Page 136 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 136
Maj (MAA) R L Bailey RAPTC ‘Armour still meets adventure’
Trails End Camp still continues to deliver its main effort, foundation AT to 3XX troops. This year two combat Battle Groups from 20X and one Combat Service Support Battle Group (BSG – from 101 Log Brigade). PRAIRIE STORM 1 involving troops from Queens Royal Hussars and 3 Royal Logistic Corps, followed immediately by PRAIRIE STORM 2 with troops from 1 Royal Regiment Fusiliers both, Battle Groups up against
a peer enemy of OPFOR from the Royal Dragoon Guards.
TEC Chief Instructor WO1 (SMI) Nathan Reeves is fully at the helm of TEC training business and has been hugely successful in hosting two assurance visits which unfortunately arrived at the same time. His experience as an ATI is priceless to BATUS (TEC) and the wider Army as he continues to assure all training that is delivered from TEC, although I’m not sure I will convince him to get on horseback this year and experience Exercise Rough Ride. I continue to hone my own AT skills, in particular skiing as I have only ever skied once prior to this appointment!
In addition to training, TEC has hosted a number of visits including Commander Collective Training Group, several Corps Colonels and Field Army Command Secretary. BATUS (TEC) will continue to welcome visits this year to showcase what the centre has to offer in a great part of the world.
Type 3/4 Adventure Training
The dates have now been submitted to ATG (A) in order to update the DIN that supports T3 expeditions and T4 OTX. This affords units the opportunity to organise Type 3 Expeditions utilising TEC as base, ‘first come first served’ plan early to avoid disappointment.
The summer programme for exercising troops is almost complete, offering astounding AT foundation courses in a great part of the world. Officers/Soldiers will be loaded onto numerous courses that are available, such as kayaking, open boat, mountain biking, single pitch rock climbing, alpine mountaineering and Ex Rough Ride.
Soldiers heading into the back Country on Ex Rough Ride
WO1 (SMI) Nathan Reeves RAPTC explaining to the Field Army Command Secretary how to put on crampons
I would like to say ‘a huge thanks’ to all the Corps Instructors that have supported TEC during their particular Ex period and also to Mrs Sharon Bennett, the gel that binds the team together, she remains at the centre of the organisation and continues to be the oracle for TEC and training issues.
The Author boring Mr Richard Blair before presenting him with an RAPTC plaque on behalf of Lt Col (SMAA) T Scarr RAPTC