Page 36 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
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     MPF Powerlifting Corps Sergeant Majors Paddle Boarding
spent the day with the PT Staff, observing training and discussing a variety of topics in a mutually beneficial environment.
In November 2018, Sgt (SI) Blake RAPTC also attended the Military, Police and Fire survive (MPF) Powerlifting World Championships in Kings Lynn, and after a busy day of lifting, he finished with a First place in the 82.5 kg Single Lift Bench Press event, setting a new BDFPA Welsh National record with a 145 kg final lift.
As a result, the Corps SM (WO1 (Corps SM) M Arthur RAPTC) visited CTCRM in December 2018 to present Sgt (SI) Blake RAPTC with the Corps SM Coin.
With CTCRM’s location in Exmouth being right on the estuary, it’s an ideal place to jump out on the water and enjoy some down time conducting some Adventurous Training and other outdoor activities. The PT Staff enjoyed Stand Up Paddle boarding early in February, luckily the sun was shining on this day.
 21 Signal Regiment were in full flow within their committed year once I arrived in April 18. New changes were happening whilst still fulfilling their operational demands; 204 Sqn
were being disbanded and the Regiment were taking on a new concept in the form of Strike Signaller. As the RAPTCI, this has been an exciting and challenging concept to build on over the past year, including educating and preparing the regiment for the new Solider Conditioning Review Assessments.
21 Signal Regiment are a keen sporting regiment and the first event I supported was Race the Sun, which is a Corps event hosted by 2 Signal Regiment in York. I took part in the half marathon, with the route taking me through Dalby Forest, with amazing scenery along the way and a little bit of sunshine thrown in. 21 Signal Regiment did well over the 24 hour period and deserved a well-earned BBQ at the end of the race.
Along with the fast pace of the unit commitments they are also keen to host and support any Royal Signals Corps sports and the unit were privileged to support and organise the Royal Signals
Running Championships in Jan 19. The day was well attended with a total of 99 competitors and even the frosty weather did not diminish the enthusiasm of the running. 21 Signal Regiment performed well, coming third overall in the team category.
With 21 Signal Regiment based in a remote location like Colerne, it is important to integrate family life when promoting health and wellbeing across the regiment. The Health Fair was well attended by 40 agencies who all enjoyed the interaction with the unit, soldiers and family members. We also pulled the chefs down from the cook house, who demonstrated the new microwave cooking booklet, they did not disappoint and as expected had enough food to feed the 5000.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the past year with 21 Signal Regiment and I am looking forward to my next assignment when I move back up to Yorkshire (Gods Country) to new pastures and challenges at a training establishment, in the form of DST North Leconfield.
SSgt (SSI) D Newman RAPTC
  Running Championships Prize Giving
SR Health Fair

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