Page 38 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 38
Premiership winners
currently hold the title for Table Tennis Champion, Lawn Tennis Champion and Army Individual Cycling Champion.
Whilst still hosting the superstars from last year, the Regiment would like to highlight 2 new stars within the ranks. LCpl Childs has been a keen Enduro rider for many years now and this last year has seen her triumph. She has placed well in motocross events throughout the year and is currently the Female Motocross Champion, a title that she has managed to keep for 4 years. She is currently competing in the British Enduro Championships which takes her all over the country competing against riders with twice her experience. LCpl Childs is currently the only female rider in the British Extreme Championships and is hoping for more interest to be gained among females within the Army. When she isn’t riding she is actively recruiting around the Regt, Corps and Army for more riders.
Pte Osei is another one of the Regiment’s rising starts and is currently Army Powerlifting champion in his weight category. Taken in by Pte Owen and coached this past year has seen all his lifts increase rapidly. This year he has completed in the British Nationals, where he placed second. The National Single Lifts, where he placed 1st with an incredible 300 kg deadlift. The Military, Police and Fire competition, where he placed 1st overall in his weight category and 1st in the pound for pound deadlift. He has also gained a nomination for RLC Sportsman of the year.
Even with all this success the Regiment have still been able to get service personnel out the door on AT skiing which consisting of Ex KNEE BEND and EX KNEE STRETCH providing soldiers with new experiences and different types of training on different terrain. This year’s Cambrian Patrol team has bettered last year’s performance by upgrading their Bronze award to a Silver award. An extensive
LCpl Childs
build-up took place to ensure the section were better conditioned to the course this time. The gymnasium also hosted their annual ‘Tough Mudder style’ event on Buckley day. This is named the Ninja 9 and is a gruelling course through streams and water filled tunnels whist running through woods, crawling through nettles and climbing and scaling random obstacles.
Overall the last year within 9 Regt RLC has been plain sailing and the support from the chain of command and QM’s department has been second to none. We have continued to excel on the sporting front and I have achieved my goal of having an equally successful year, if not, a better year than last.