Page 37 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 37

 This year has been a busy year for 47 RA. With elements of the Regiment constantly deployed to West Wales supporting the Watchkeeper it has been important to keep the Regiment entertained whilst in camp. With a strong competitive rugby and football team, 47 RA’s football team won the Minor Unit Cup and finished second in the Gunners 6 aside. whilst the rugby team where in the final of the South West League Cup.
After a well-earned summer leave and with the warm weather still around Sep brought a returning old CO’s Challenge Cup event in the form of an Inter Battery Athletics Competition held at the Tidworth Oval. There was a full day of events consisting of both a Ladies and Men’s Category in most of the official track and field events. There was a high level of competition between the Batteries and points were awarded for a top 3 place in the finals of the events.
Overall there were some good results and talent identified, but what drew the most attention was the chain of command relay race. The race consisted of an 8 x 200m relay race, starting from the rank of Gnr and working through all the ranks all the way up to Maj. The overall winners of the event where 10 (Assaye) Battery.
The day’s events were completed with a Regimental BBQ, the competition was a success and now a permanent fixture in the Regiment’s sporting calendar.
After the warm summer and with the cold drawing near, December brought the next event. A Super Team Competition where each Battery entered two teams to compete against the PTIs putting their best men and women forward to show their fitness, determination and teamwork.
The Super Team Competition consisted of 60 burpees over log with a partner, 150 repetitions of 60kg deadlifts, 250m farmers walk carrying 60kg, 100 repetitions of Thrusters with 40kg, followed by the penultimate exercise which looked to be the hardest of all was 100 team Log Lunges finished with the final exercise of 50 Tyre Flips. The PTIs did not embarrass themselves and won with a winning time of 18 minutes and 17 seconds.
Looking forward to the future, there is a busy deployment period coming up. With this, new challenges will arise which I am already looking forward to.
SSgt (SSI) M Culkin RAPTC
  Iam now fast approaching my last year with 9 Regiment RLC, and what a nice step into a mainstream role it has been. The Rgiment have fully supported me throughout my time here
and have assisted the department by obtaining the necessary equipment required to fulfil the new Army Physical Training System (APTS). Our personnel have adjusted well to the APTS, and as a gymnasium we are facilitating all working aspects of the APTS to suit the requirements of the Regiment.
9 Regiment remain a high readiness unit under the command of 104 HQ Log Brigade. The unit strength has been depleted over the last year as most of the Regiment have been deployed on Op SAIF SAREEA, with a smaller body deploying on Op TRENTON. Even with a lot of the Regiment away on commitments they were still able to send a Squadron out to Norway on Ex TRIDENT JUNCTURE.
The Commanding Officer has continued to develop his Regiment on the sporting front and this year has excelled across all sports. At the RLC Sports Awards the Regiment excelled above all, managing to achieve 7 individual awards including both best sportsman and woman. We also achieved best young sportswoman and runner up in young sportsman award. The overall highlight of the evening was to see the unit rugby team receive the RLC Pioneer Spirit Award, a prestigious award given for the outstanding team performance and military ethos.
This year the Regiment has been successful in a number of sporting events. The rugby union squad became Premiership winners with an exciting, nail-biting win against the Royal Welsh that took them to the whistle. The unit hockey team, despite all odds, received a win in the Kirby Bowl at the Bari Cup event. The mixed unit netball team stormed to the top becoming the first ever unit mixed netball champions. We have also had other single sports winners and
SSgt (SSI) K Price RAPTC

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