Page 56 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 56
SSgt (SSI) C Jackson RAPTC
4Regiment Army Air Corps has enjoyed another rewarding year that has been dominated by a number of significant exercises, sporting and adventurous training activities. As ever, the Regiment’s focus remains on maintaining two Apache Helicopter Squadrons at very high readiness and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
664 Squadron deployed on Ex SAIF SAREEA in Oman where they showed their Operational Effectiveness and demonstrated they had not lost the ability to work in extreme heat; learnt during many years on Operation HERRICK. The exercise concluded with a fire power demonstration to the Omanis which was the culmination of many months planning and a true test of the Regiment’s ability to conduct a complex deployment overseas.
On completion of a two-month level 4 training plan, members of 656 Sqn attended the cold weather survival course in Norway which tested individuals’ mental resilience and physical capacity prior to deploying on Ex CLOCKWORK. This was the UK Apache’s first deployment within the Arctic Circle and an exercise designed to stress test the Apache fleet’s aircrew, engineers and ground crew’s capability to operate in a cold weather environment. These capabilities have never been assessed in such conditions prior to this deployment and 656 Sqn executed the missions and proved that the Apache and its enabling members can deliver in all weather conditions.
As well as ensuring the serviceability of the Apache helicopter fleet a team from the Workshop participated in the Nijmegan March.
Apache Arrival
Apache Returning From Mission
Ex Clockwork Apache Supporting Ground Troops