Page 61 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 61

SSgt (SSI) C Sharpe RAPTCI SSgt (SSI) J Bowater RAPTCI
Another busy year for 35 Engr Regt (EOD&S), 33Engr Regt (EOD) and the newly formed Group Support Unit (GSU). Whilst maintaining the commitment to OP SHADER in Iraq, personnel have deployed on numerous EOD and Search Exercises along with Operations around the world, these include training teams being deployed to America, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Europe.
This Operational tempo combined with the normal training and need to retain job role currency sees the station personnel stretched. You would think that this would leave little time for PD, Sport and AT activities, but you would be mistaken. 2018 has been one of the busiest and successful years in that respect. With 35 Engr Regt (EOD&S) Winning many elements of the RE Games in Kinloss, including the Engineers bridging event and coming a very respectful 3rd overall.
The newly formed RE British Army Warrior Fitness Team are currently sitting in 3rd place overall, with the focus and aim to go to the Army Finals in the ASPT very soon.
There have also been numerous individuals representing all Regiments in winter sports this year, this includes, Nordic Skiing, alpine skiing and Bobsleigh. The Regiments have also managed to take up to 70% of its’ manpower to France to ensure individuals are getting a rare and well needed break away doing Type 3 alpine skiing. These Ski Expeditions are being led by internal Expedition leaders and instructed by Regimental Ski instructors.
Future focus will be on the Station Boxing teams; training to host a show in late October or early November.
Health has played a key role within Carver Barracks over the past 12 months, with the Station hosting yet another first-class Health Fair. With many outside organisations playing a key role ensuring the message is being passed onto our servicemen and
     SSgt (SSI) C Sharpe enjoying the clear blue skies in Val Thoren’s
Maj Elson and Capt Eabry completing transceiver SSgt (SSI) C Sharpe keeping up RAPTC Maj Walker 35 Engr Regt (EOD&S) QM Enjoying drills on SF2, Ex DRAGON HECTOR traditions and taking a well-earned the powder in Ex DRAGON HECTOR break from Type 3 Alpine Skiing
Personnel from 35 Engr Regt (EOD&S) competing in the BAWF
families. This included, mental health, give blood, Antony Nolan, ESS Nutrition, Haix boot manufacturer, Hot Pod Yoga, Holistic therapy and many more.
Either Regimentally or station combined there has been numerous fitness competitions; this year has seen the soldiers step up and compete in a plethora of different events from strongman competitions, to march and shoots and embracing the new BAWF. The highlight of the year was seeing teams of 6 compete in the

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