Page 62 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 62
Carver Barracks Wimbish annual Health Fair
Soldiers from 35 Engr Regt (EOD&S) undergoing the challenges within the CO’s Hex HECTORS CHALLENGE Military Competition
annual CO’s Challenge named: Ex HECTORS CHALLENGE. This took teams through a gruelling loaded march encountering various military skills and mental challenges along the way. There was also an element of EOD challenges to complete to ensure the EOD job role is constantly being kept up to date.
The station gym has seen an uplift of new infrastructure and equipment courtesy of Regional Command. This uplift has helped
support the implementation of the NEW APTS and encourages a fresh approach to Strength and Conditioning training throughout all Regiments. The Station has also helped support the rehabilitation of soldiers by enhancing a new rehabilitation room purpose-built for unit physio.
The Station was fortunate enough to host the 7X RAPTCI Regional Study Period in October, this gave us as a Station a chance to
Sgt (SI) Batts thoroughly enjoying the testing criteria on the RFT(S) on the 7X RAPTCI Study Period