Page 64 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
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    with their corporate knowledge of PD within the Army Reserves. It was on this basis that the first HQ 11 Brigade and LONDIST Army Reserves Study Period was held at Fox Lines on Sat 17 Nov 18. Over 60 RAPTC reserve, RAPTCIs and AAPTIs attended and were updated in key AR issues, especially the delivery of the APTS. The event was very well received and will remain a permanent fixture moving forward.
Another key Brigade task was to roll out the PES training to all PTIs within the AOR. Five training days were ran in Aldershot and another one in Middle Wallop. Many thanks go to WO2 Greenfield, SSgt’s Fox, Thomas and Morrow and Sgt Snowling for organising these events.
In Mar 19, RAPTCIs from 11 Brigade and assisted by those more local to York, demonstrated the new Soldier Conditioning Review to the senior elements of 1 Div. The event was well supported most notably by SSgt (SSI) MJ Brightey making the trip from Brunei to support the event. This demonstrates the commitment of all 11 Brigade RAPTCIs to support when required. Many thanks also go to SSgts Mick and Rob Harrison for travelling north.
Events within the HQ are relentless and alongside PD, this office is also involved in Op Yellowhammer (BREXIT), Op Temperer (UK Ops) and all other functions and commitments of this Operationally focused organisation. There is never a dull moment and I expect there to be no let up for the remainder of my time in post.
Finally, after 3.5 years, the vacant FTRS QMSI post has been filled by WO2 (QMSI) Dan Bishop. Dan, you and your family are warmly welcomed to HQ 11 Brigade and I hope you will continue to provide the high level of support you have shown so far.
In summary, the HQ 11 Brigade SO3 position is hugely rewarding, challenging and I would recommend it to everyone. Once again, I must thank all those in the AOR who provide outstanding support to the whole Brigade. More of the same for next year!

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