Page 65 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 65
Sgt (SI) M Radley RAPTC
Iwrite this year’s MBS notes having completed my first 14 months within Shorncliffe station and 1RGR. Having settled into the life of an ERI I then started to spread my wings and take control of
an extremely busy rehabilitation platoon and commit to external RAPTC commitments.
Upon arrival, the CoC fully supported creating a Rehab platoon. This was quickly established and before I knew it we were full steam ahead. As a small working PCRF with limited space and equipment we have managed to reduce the number of patients dramatically within 1RGR. This has not been an easy year however, the implementation of the APTS and protected rehabilitation time has been the driving factor to success.
In Oct 18 1RGR deployed on Op Toral and Shorncliffe station reduced in numbers.
As a PCRF we have been recognised at both unit and regional level for the efforts in supporting maximum deployability. Boots on the ground has been increased dramatically.
Since the unit deployed we have completed FMS screening for 68 Gurkha soldiers joining straight from ITC. This was used to identify injuries early using a subjective questionnaire and practically testing movement patterning. A very successful result post testing can only be complimentary to the Physical training team in ITC Catterick.
Half way through the year I received surgical treatment on a reoccurring shoulder problem. Due to this ongoing problem I am yet to make my full RAPTC FC debut. I hope to return late 2019, early 2020.
I finish by saying, if any past or present RAPTCIs are lost in Kent or passing Folkestone on the way to France, please pop in and say hi. All are welcome.