Page 98 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 98

Sgt (SI) D Winter RAPTC
Another busy period within 14 RA continues from last year. With 4 Young Officers (YO) courses completed within this time, they were all finished with the traditional course L118 light gun run against the 14 RA phase 2 recruits. The YO’s course walked away with the win in the last one of the year and will be hoping to retain the title next time. This is proof that their physical training programme which has been designed around the APTS is working well and should continue to do so.
In addition to the YOs I work very closely with 34 Battery (Bty), who are the main supplier of live firing in support of the Initial Trade Training (ITT) and for the wider RA. This is a very busy Battery (Bty) who are constantly exercising on Salisbury training area throughout the training year. The Bty take part in 4 scheduled PT sessions a week that all run-in line with project THOR and we continue to see improvements in all their statics with them despite their busy programme. With all this in mind they are looking forward to a well-earned adventurous training package that has been organised to take place in September 2019.

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