Page 97 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 97

   A Pathway To Education
Over the last 12 months the focus has been on education, not only on a personal level but also for those with whom I serve and teach. So, I have been on a pathway to “add value”
where I can. I had completed all the United Kingdom Strength & Conditioning Association (UKSCA) modules so becoming a Trainer Educator (TE) and assisting on the Annual Deficit Training (ADT) seemed like a good step, this was also invaluable for myself to understand where we as a Corps are in relation to our delivery of the Army Physical Training System (APTS) and pick up some good coaching cues from the other TE’s.
In addition to the TE role both myself and Sgt Winter volunteered to go the ASPT and conduct the Physical Employment Standards (PES) Train the Trainer (T3). Having completed the PES package, we set about assisting HQSW by delivering two PES training days, one for the Royal Artillery Units within the Larkhill Garrison and one for the wider South West Units, in total we delivered PES to 79 pax. These training days in my opinion where of value and hopefully calmed a few nerves regarding the coming tests; what was noteworthy was the lack of understanding from some AAPTI’s who the Role Fitness Tests (RFT(S)) was aimed at. I can only hope that the information we passed on and the delivery of the training was enough to confirm that for the Artillery (and other non- Ground Close Support (GCC) units) the AFT was still valid until 2021. The Soldier Conditioning Review (SCR) was met with some interesting views but again hopefully a better understanding from the delivery will ensure that, not only are the AAPTI’s better informed but also that they now understand the why and how and above all it not a lowering of standards.
The next hurdle in the education pathway was how to improve the personal development of not only myself, but also of those with whom I work; my staff. So being a keen Olympic lifter and having been on several of the British Weight Lifting (BWL) courses before, I set about hosting a BWL level 2 instructors’ course; the course was open to all ranks and not just PTIs. We encouraged lifters of all ages and experience to attend and ended up with a co-hort of eight who all passed and although suffering from a few bruises thoroughly enjoyed the day. The course focused on the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch with some detail on programming and problem solving for the technical aspects of the two lifts. A well worth and well delivered course, that has helped the sport and hopefully ensured more people try lifting and hopefully compete.
Hopefully, these educational aspects ensure that the all the PT deliverers, from QMSI to AAPTI are more informed and better coaches in the delivery of the APTS. A busy year for all PTIs within the Larkhill Garrison which is only going to get busier as we receive a further three Units into the Garrison over the coming years. Which also coincides with a new Physical Training and Recreational Facility planned to be completed in 2020, until then we all get to squeeze into one gym and compare biceps!
14 Regt AAPTI, LBdr Gregson putting in the effort on RMT6, Repeat Lift & Carry.
WO2 (QMSI) J Whiting RAPTC
 SSgt Dean RAPTC, showing how to look good even when under test conditions in RMT4, Jerry Can carry.
    Course personal on the BWL Level2 BWL tutor taking some well earnt stretching 14 Regt AAPTI’s sense of relief after Course, WO2 (QMSI) Whiting far left and SMF after a full weekend of lifting completing the RFT(s)
AAPTIs from Larkhill Garrison being exposed to the RMT2, Fire & Manoeuvre

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