Page 96 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 96
Blue Bird - Schlick 2000 in Austria
Ex Minley Powder
As a perfect antidote to the post-Christmas blues, Ex MINLEY POWDER saw personnel from 3 RSME Regt travel to Neustift, Austria over the period 09 Jan – 26 Jan 19 to undertake adventurous training in the form of alpine skiing. 32 exercising personnel, split into two groups over two weeks were fortunate enough to receive first rate instruction; learning to ski (earning the Ski Foundation Level 1 qualification), gain the next level of qualification (Ski Foundation Level 2), or develop their skills within their existing qualification (through continuation training). An excellently planned and executed expedition by Zonnebeke Tp (primarily Capt Edwards and SSgt Mullock), Ex MINLEY POWDER was able to safely expose participants to challenges and controlled risk, enabling them to develop fortitude, robustness and leadership, whilst also developing team spirit and cohesion.
Hello from the “sneaky beaky” world that is known as JFC Chicksands! Having assumed the role of gymnasium QMSI from WO2 (QMSI) Pyburn in June 18 it has been a
new experience to say the least. Not only is it a quad service establishment the gymnasium also administers, Phase 2 & 3 training, Reservists, lodger units, career courses and the Defence Humint Unit (AKA “Op Sampson”).
The Intelligence community don’t have physical development at the top of their “to do” list. First job; make the gymnasium more engaging and bring it into the 21st century. In turn, this will aid delivering the Army Physical Training System and preparing personnel for Physical Employment Standards. Money from Land Warfare Centre was used to create a new Strength & Conditioning area. This has proved to be a shrewd move as the numbers coming through the gym doors have increased and the diversity of lessons has improved due to the wide ranging activities we are now able to perform.
Sgt Crook travelled to Nepal to assist with the Brigade of Gurkhas PES and Role Fitness Test (Entry) (Gurkha) trial, that would go on to form and shape the future of Gurkha recruiting.
WO2 (QMSI) C D Armstrong RAPTC
Whilst in Nepal, Sgt Crook was tasked with providing assistance and key SME advice to trial lead, the CoC in British Gurkhas Nepal and the Gurkha recruiting staff (Gallawalla’s).
In the little spare time available he was also tasked to develop the myriad of AAPTIs, from both BGN and ITC(C) to ensure they were able to deliver the trial effectively as part of their professional development.
In addition to advice and training delivery, he assisted in the development of a training programme for potential Gurkha recruits to prepare them for recruiting and selection. Sgt Crook says, “It felt like an honour to see and feel the emotion and drive that the selection process brings out in the 16 to18 year olds”.