Page 95 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
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WO2 (QMSI) V Blackburn and Sgt (SI) N Curtis RAPTC
Another busy yet very rewarding year for 3 RSME. With course delivery still in full flow the station has managed to participate, host and dominate sporting and adventurous training across the Royal Engineers.
Sapper Games 2018 – Kinloss
The Sapper Games is an annual event, where Regular and Reserve RE from all units compete in multiple sporting events, with approximately 1000 people from across the Corps of RE; it provides the opportunity for units and individuals to compete for trophies whilst promoting ‘esprit de corps’ and reinforcing the Corps strong sporting and fitness ethos. The Sapper Games took place between 4-7 Jun 18 at Kinloss Barracks, organised and hosted by 39 Engr Regt. The games are a highly competitive yet enjoyable social event for all within the cap badge. This did not sway 3 RSME who on this occasion came out on top, winning first place overall taking 11 top three finishes out of the 17 activities
Birmingham City Football Club Training Camp
3 RSME Instructor Troop organised a team cohesive 2-day event for the club in Jul 18. The aim was to create a bonding experience for the team prior to their highly anticipated upcoming season in the EFL league. The P&RTC staff, led by Sgt Curtis maintained a close liaison with the club manager Gary Monk to design and implement the physical aspects of the camp to all players. Mr Monk was extremely impressed by the initiative demonstrated throughout the delivery of lessons and commented on the remarkable delivery of the S&C period. This once in a life time opportunity had a profound effect on the club, players and staff.
RC UK Cross Country League
Exercise Tiger GR20 SAPPER
On the 10 Sep 18, 14 members of 55 Trg Sqn deployed to take part in a mountaineering trek across Corsica, a challenge known as GR20. The trek was split down into 8 separate legs, varying in lengths from 14km to 25kms of arduous yet beautiful scenic terrain. The aim of the Exercise was to provide individuals from 55 Trg Sqn with adventurous training experience and promote team cohesion in a demanding unfamiliar environment. The aim was
met, and the team returned with not only the experience of a life time but bonded and with a refreshed sense of achievement.
Wives and Partner Weekend
On a very rain swept Saturday in October, 3 RSME lead by Sgt Curtis hosted the Wives and Partners weekend which encompassed a range of military skills designed to instil fun and a sense of achievement. The day was filled with activities such as a 25m firing range, clay pigeon shoot, survival stand and a team indoor obstacle course. The day was a massive success which was all made possible by their enthusiastic attitude and entertaining personalities. During the evening the wives and partners were invited into the WOs’ and Sgts’ Mess, where all enjoyed food, drinks and prizes for best in each event. This led to a brilliant evening to cap an outstanding team effort for the wives and partners of 2018.
3 RSME Dominating the RC (S) Cross Country League
RC UK Cross Country League
Cross Country League
3 RSME has no need for concern when it comes to running during the 2018/19 South RC cross country league. Another busy but successful year for the team and its athletes. A challenging start with Major and Minor units competing over 8 races between the months of Sep 18 - Feb 19 and 3 RSME having to defend the title. The team was able to hold off the tough competition with multiple wins across the season cementing 3 RSME’s position at the top of the league for another year.

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