Page 93 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 93
8Trg Bn REME is one of the 4 units that make up the Defence College of Technical Training (DCTT).
Sgt (SI) Dan Jerrams and SSgt (SSI) Dodds (ERI) are the other 8 Trg Bn REME RAPTCI’s doing a sterling job here!
8 Trg Bn REME is the largest Bn in the Army with circa 1300 phase 2 trainees (it can facilitate 1500 trainees), 200 permanent staff as well as just under 200 soldiers that operate within the Garrison footprint. The Bn is made up of 4 Coy’s with 3 of the 4 Coy’s each holding around 250-320 personnel with one of the Coy’s holding around 500 personnel, a CSM’s delight I am sure!
With a perimeter fence 16km around and 3 runways the airfield is huge. The addition of 5 Bn REME with a Coy arriving in Sept of this year will add an additional unit and increase the complexities to what is effectively a Garrison; taking the number of soldiers on this establishment to circa 2k.
The sports facilities are excellent here with 3 rugby pitches, 4 football pitches (one of them is a 4g pitch), a CV suite, weights room, spin suite, 3 squash courts, powerlifting area, self-contained boxing area, climbing wall and new gymnasium complex. With a business case of £200k recently signed off and the Physical Training Equipment (PTE) inbound we are looking forward to cracking the PTE out of the crates and for the ITT and Permanent
QMSI Kewley Delivering MTB Germany Sept 18
PS Trg Day May 18
Staff (PS) to make use of the new kit. A go-kart track out on the airfield, cars and motorbikes aren’t left out either with the recent addition of a circuit that has been designed for car and motorbike track days, though I am not too sure that the locals would agree!
Conducting sports afternoons here can be a bit of an epic, with around 500 personnel on parade and 30 sports OIC’s, managing and co-ordinating the real estate can be challenging at times, especially when the rain and wind set in for the day!
Commanding Officer’s Cup comprises some great events ranging from football, boxing to gun runs, strong man and march and shoot events. Each of these competitions usually have between 240-400 trainees and PS taking part with the largest event (a two-day Military/role/trade specific competition having over 600 personnel taking part).
Last year we held an outstanding Inter Coy boxing event and hosted the REME champs, along with the unit taking part in the HMS Sultan boxing show in Dec 18.
A very busy year (like most of us seem to be experiencing) that has flown by, however the QSMI did manage to organise and get away for some AT the Harz Mountains in Germany and even a Battlefield tour to Normandy! More of this is required!
Always Time For A Brew On AT