Page 110 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 110
There have been many
changes here in Northern
Ireland with 3 new ERIs
being posted in. Firstly, Sgt
(SI) Aaron Woodman arrived at
RRU Aldergrove in July 2015,
straight from the ERI course.
With Sgt (SI) Dave Holden
already posted to his new unit,
it was a set of handover notes
and a baptism of re on his
rst day at the RRU. After the
rst course he implemented a
new booklet for the incoming patients including their Individual Programmes, allowing patients to progress and regress exercises without constant supervision on leaving the RRU to try and relieve some of the strain on the ERIs in the PCRFs here in Northern Ireland. Outside of the RRU he has been getting full use out of his running trainers competing regularly at local running events, as well as the Army Marathon championships at Abingdon, the race didn’t quite go to plan but he still managed to get selected to represent the Army at the Inter Service Marathon Championships in London this year.
Secondly, Sgt (SI) Si Coleman moved from PCRF Blandford to PCRF Lisburn. He and Sgt (SI) Johnny Gray, PCRF Holywood, aligned their efforts to focus on Injury Prevention within Northern Ireland, by conducting in-service
training to all RAPTCIs’, AAPTIs’ and Physiotherapists. The presentation provided information on current injury rates, best practice guidelines and training personnel to conduct the single leg press test (SLP), which allowed PT staff to gather strength data within their units. Conducting an audit looking at the strength of soldiers within barrack, Sgt (SI) Si Coleman focused on the SLP, comparing
the results with recommended research. A snapshot from 29 participants that conducted the test showed 22 soldiers were unable to SLP their bodyweight, three managed bodyweight and four managed the recommended 125% SLP. The Commanding Of cers have been very receptive to this information and will use this to framework future PT programmes.
Lastly, Sgt (SI) Barry Mairs took up post at PCRF Aldergrove in July 2015, and hit the ground running with a large caseload. His air for Strength and Conditioning (S&C) underpinned by solid clinical reasoning is evident and is paying dividends as his patients achieve high standards of returning to tness at a higher functional standard. While currently undergoing BSc (Hons) S&C, his passion for S&C extends beyond the PCRF as he is the 38 Brigade Secretary of the British Army Warrior
Sgt Mairs - Rainhill Trials
Sgt (SI) AM Woodman RAPTC
Fitness, encouraging and promoting the sport with various training days and competitions. Sgt Mairs practices what he preaches as he displays his physical prowess competing in some of the top CrossFit competitions within the UK and Ireland. In Manchester he recently earned 1st place in the Rainhill Trials.
Time waits for no one and my time within the Army has come to an end and I leave for the ‘Land of the Free’ to the sunshine of Oklahoma. I have had a fantastic career in the Army with my most memorable years being served within the RAPTC. To all those I have gladly served alongside or even met along the way:
May the road rise up to meet you. may the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your elds.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Sgt Mairs - Athletic Games
Like the Jedi alliance in the new Star Wars Movie ‘The Force Awakens’ the Exercise Rehabilitation Instructor (ERI) specialisation is always keen to restore a positive balance to the force, and I feel that this is a good opportunity to advertise the bene ts of our own Jedi branch, the ERI. Although our numbers are strong within the Corps (currently 34% of the RAPTC hold the ERI quali cation) we are always looking for volunteers to take the aptitude assessment and complete the ERI course, not just for those currently transferring into the RAPTC but particularly those who originally specialised as generalist or adventurous training instructors.
Any serving regular RAPTCIs at the rank of Sgt or SSgt that are keen to challenge their mind and learn new practical ways of developing the body are welcome to attempt the aptitude assessment day. ERI aptitude selection involves two assessments; an anatomy and physiology paper that tests basic understanding of the human body and its systems, and a verbal reasoning paper that involves extracting information from a written piece of work. This particular assessment simulates extracting relevant information from patient notes in order for ERIs to conduct patient assessments and inform decisions regarding individual exercise programs
WO2 (QMSI) C Suf eld RAPTC