Page 24 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 24

It has been a challenging and demanding year for 6 ACS Bn REME as they juggled a myriad of training objects coupled with
the demands of deployments and Bde tasking’s as they steady themselves for the Readiness year of the AFORM cycle.
Although the beginning of the year and the demands have been high, the unit has still managed to produce results, not only in sporting achievements but also in its development of PT. The Unit moved from its own  tness suite to becoming part of the Garrison Super Gym, which meant that it lost a lot of its autonomy with regards to  exibility of PT timings, and the unit had to adopt a more rigid Battle rhythm to co-inside with the 2 other major units and the Tidworth RRU.
In line with the pan Army directive the unit has adapted a more inclusive PT regime in order to drive down the number of downgraded individuals and to help reduce Muscular Skeletal Injuries (MSKI’s) in the future. PT sessions are more based around learning which in turn imparts knowledge to the participants for them to take the responsibility of their own physical  tness.
CO’s Cup Competition
Gol ng in Spain
SSgt (SSI) I Gillard RAPTC
Over the last year the Unit has enjoyed sporting success with individuals competing in Combined Service and Army sporting events; individuals winning awards in all Skiing disciplines, both Nordic and alpine with participation in REME Corps championships. The football team enjoyed success across all Brigade, Divisional and Army championships, and just falling short in the Army Cup on achieving the win.
Further competitions and participation includes badminton, basketball and athletics, cross country to Army, Corps and national Fishing champions. All disciplines of sports are covered with a robust sports management team in place to ensure that the best possible chances are giving to all serving soldiers in the Bn to participate in sport.
As the training year draws to a close, the Coys’ compete in the  nal events of the CO’s Cup competitions in order to ascertain who is the Champion Coy.
The Bn has continued in its development of individuals and opened its doors to a Garrison wide Fitness Camp, where
all individuals are taken out of the military environment and placed in more appealing environment to learn and train. The course is designed to train individuals in all aspects of health and  tness and give them the best tools to evaluate their own personal circumstances and thus  nd their intrinsic motivation to better themselves. The camp has been such a success that it has now been embraced by the RAF and they are beginning to place individuals on the camp.
The year ended with the CO’s fancy dress fun run where ‘suitable running attire’ was not on display. Nevertheless, the event ran smoothly with all enjoying the fun element of PT prior to a well-deserved Christmas leave.
2016 brings in many challenges for the unit as the unit moves towards its readiness year, whilst taking over the Op Temperer tasking’s, however the Bn has fully embraced all aspects of PD and are in a good place to be able to drive all AT, Sports and PT forward for another eventful year.
Warming up
CO’s fancy dress run
Ready for Another Year
The Bn Fitness Camp in Newquay
The Bn Fitness Camp in Newquay

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