Page 31 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 31
Over the last 12 months many things have changed, as a Regt we have gone from having the whole camp to ourselves to now sharing. As part of the Germany draw
down we now co-locate with 32 Regt Royal Engineers whilst they attempt to settle back in the UK. The initial move and integration went well with great thanks to SSgt (SSI) Dave Parish RAPTC for his constant update and communications before being posted down to warmer climates in the South.
As Marne Barracks changes to Marne Station with 2 Major Units is situ, our job is not yet complete. We are balancing the needs of the Regiments against the facilities we hold and attempting to make it work for both. A major challenge has been the delivery of a structured PD plan forged with a strength and conditioning underpinning theme, throughout each of the 10 sub units currently working towards a different FORM cycle. The second challenge has came with the delivery of sport to the masses with limited real estate, something that is getting better but far from ef cient at present. However, we must get better as under the Army re-basing plan this is going to become more dif cult when 21 Regt Royal Engineers move up from Ripon in 2017. If all goes to plan we should nd more infrastructures being built around the Station and uplift in PD areas, making it easier to facilitate the soon to be 15 sub units present on Marne Station.
SSgt (SSI) Pollock Marne Station P&RTC
SSgt (SSI) SA Pollock RAPTC
As I write this short overview I move into my 3rd year with the RDGs, and with my foot still rmly placed on the accelerator. After a further 12 months within our Other Tasks Year the Regiment has supported everything from natural disasters to playing enemy in BATUS.
In Feb I had my maiden visit to Sennelager to provide PTI support for B Sqn whilst training at CATT. Let’s say this was not the most taxing week for me but did allow me an evening in Hamburg (Vietnamese Karaoke Bar) and a very moving trip to the Concentration Camp at Bergen Belsen.
Feeling sad at Bergan Belsen
In Sept alongside the Welfare Of cer I lead a team of RDG soldiers and of cers’ wives on a charity walk to the summit of Ben Nevis. For some this was a real challenge and started well before departing Catterick with safety and kit brie ngs. Despite poor conditions and with winds of up to 70 - 80mph we all successfully made it to the top, but not without a few tears.
As the year draws to an end a shift from supporting others to our own intense training year is underway, clearly our Ops Of cer is not a lover of any white space on the FOEs. With BATUS being
Helping demolish the old Gym oor
Welfare Dept Charity Walk – Summit of Ben Nevis
the highlight and a new overdue Gym oor now in the installation phase things are looking bright. Hopefully a period at Trails End Camp will cap off a memorable posting with the RDGs.
After my recent selection for promotion to WO2 I now sit and wait for the next Assignment Board to seal my fate, please be kind on this one!
As far as the P&RTC team goes, we continue to survive and provide quality lessons in all areas required using the facilities that we have. Integration still remains the key to success within Marne Station P&RTC.
“Fortis et Verum”