Page 43 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 43

Alpha and Bravo Troop displaying plenty of disco leg and feminine noises during the command task and high ropes day at ATR (W)
at ATR (W) in the winter months for the 11 EOD SF reaction and EOD Search troops. With the help of the gym staff at ATR(W), a day of well organised and constructive tasks were facilitated to test the steely nerves and con dence of the EOD operators. With 11 EOD Regt’s Alpha Troop (RLC) and Bravo “Search”
Troop (RE) persistently involved with the dealings of those at Hereford regarding EOD response issues, this day provided the opportunity to match ego’s and  nd out once and for all who were the more effective troop and who had the biggest kahunas when it came to high obstacle practices. At the end of a fun  lled day,
is was concluded that the con dence possessed within Bravo Troop warranted them the bragging rights of the most elite Troop in 11 EOD Regt which was made more evident on the coach journey back to Didcot by persistent football chanting from the RE searchers.
Having spent two years at ATR Winchester this would be my  rst posting into a  eld force unit. My  rst impression was very good, the location is one to be sought after and I would
highly recommend it to anyone. The Regiment made me feel most welcome and I was quickly thrust into the normal high tempo pace of life. Thorney Island is a unique posting as I also look after 42 Regiment who are a minor unit. We also share our facilities with 16 RA under SSgt Freeman who I have constantly utilised for his knowledge and experience. So as you can imagine gym life is very busy.
The Regiment are always very busy, with the Bty’s either deployed to Salisbury, Canada or Kenya. Being the only Air Defence Regiment in the British Army they have to be constantly on top of their game. One of the Bty’s 12 Bty are also part of 16 Air Asslt brigade which again gives me a different yet exciting challenge
SSgt Boyd brie ng one of the Bty teams prior to the Commanding Of cers Challenge Mud Run
preparing the young soldiers for P Coy. What I quickly learnt was that being adaptable would be key, as one week I could have 200 soldiers on PT and the following 50.
After establishing the PD policy, I wanted education to be the vital for the Commanding Of cer down. As the Bty’s roles are so varied I wanted my training to re ect this. With that in mind I adapted the total soldier concept, were varied PT would be imperative. My main goal was that all components of  tness to be covered with the ready for anything approach. In order for this to work, the gymnasium did need updating with kit and equipment. Over the last 6 months we have invested in a new boxing room, 36 Kettlebells, 20 Olympic bars and plates, new dumbbells, procurement of 11 new spin bikes and with a fresh lick of paint which every AAPTI loves doing, the gymnasium is now looking like a  rst class training
Regimental PT making the most of the beach

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