Page 63 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 63
51X select boxing team Vs Royal Navy in Scotland
a very hard fought contest, the Army came out on top as winners on the evening with a result of 5 – 3. Thanks go to both 3 SCOTS and 3 RIFLES, who provided the boxers for this event. This is the second year running where the 51X Army select team have come out clear winners.
Mountain Bike Symposium.
In an effort to maintain the
enthusiasm for mountain biking
(MTB) in the brigade, we held
a MTB symposium in Dunkeld,
Perthshire Scotland. This
was held from 17-20 April
16.The aim of this was to get
members from regulars and
reserves quali ed in various levels
of the sport in both coaching and
leadership courses. The courses
were organised and run through Mountain
Bike Coaching UK (MBCUK), the instructor on the course was Daz Williams, a previous instructor at HMS Indefatigable. This was a huge success, where we gained 2 national coach trainer instructors and 5 Technical Trail Leaders (TTLs). This will bene t 51X for future AT activities.
The 51X Tri Service Sport medals are now used for all Tri Service sporting events.
The next meeting of the Tri Service Sports Board is on 29 June 2016, at HQ 51X in Forthside Stirling.
It comes with a heavy heart writing MBS notes at the end of my time in my home town within Bonny Scotland and I look back over the past 2 years with fond memories. It’s no surprise my spell within 51st (Infantry) Brigade and HQ Scotland passed with a blink of the eye and the HQ Staff will be sorely missed. On re ection the pace of life has been hot on the hoof, not just with PD matters but also supporting role during Brigade CT3 training Ex, CSTTX and CAST. 51st Brigade RAPTCI’s have supported the Brigade extremely well, the Physical Development of the unit, maintain PD facilities and promoting health type issues and coming up with new initiatives to bene t the Soldiers serving in Scotland for a multiple of roles over the past two years.
Ex SL 16 Enjoying the slopes of Scotland
The Brigade Commander tasked the Physical Development Team to organise Adventurous Training in support of the Defence Engagement piece, this involved the delivery of Adventurous Training Exercises, Ex Northern Lion Guard (Bahrain Lion Guard), Ex Northern Highland Falcon (UAE) and Ex Northern Jeabal Reach (Royal Oman Army). The aim is to introduce members from the Middle East to partake in Adventurous Training through the delivery of a multi activity package with varying levels of dif culty, dependant on experience and instructor availability.
Exercise Snow Lion was one of the main themes this year for the G7 PD Of ce. The delivery of ExSL 16 came as no disappointment, the Tri Service Ski Championships organised by 51st Infantry
Capt (MAA) W J Young, WO2 (QMSI) D McColl RAPTC and Mrs D Glancy
Captain (MAA) W Young RAPTC