Page 76 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 76
Lt Col (MAA) B Taylor RAPTC
Well time marches on and at the time of writing
(Apr 16) I have already been back in Army HQ
for nearly 3 months (and for the third time), this
time as SO1 Health, back writing Policy, what joy! More
on that front next year, I bet you can’t wait, especially if
you are having trouble sleeping. Anyhow, back to ARTD
HQ and re ections on another year in the training HQ.
As ever the year has been fast paced with a lot going
on and changes to the organisation. The new Phase 1 Common Military Syllabus was rolled out which included
a much revised PT syllabus that has reduced the amount
of unnecessary running and marching and increased functional strength training and HIIT. The early signs are
very encouraging. As a result of this a revised Phase 2 PT syllabus was developed and has recently been issued. All of this should help in the ght to reduce Muscular Skeletal Injuries (MSKI).
Work under the umbrella of the ‘Women in Ground Close Combat’ has continued at pace in preparation for the likely decision that women will be permitted to join the Armoured Corps and Infantry in the future. This has already thrown up a number of challenges and will continue to do so going forward.
Our units’ permanent staff continues to excel in a range of activities and speci cally sport where ARTD units virtually swept the board in the UK competition picking up a whole load of silverware.
The designs for the new gym complex at Worthy Down under project Wellesley were nalised and the new Obstacle Course was built. Work on the new gym will start later this year and it promises
to be a huge improvement on the existing facilities and will boast two main halls, a number of additional activity spaces, plenty of bespoke storage and four squash courts.
As the nancial year started to draw to a close we managed to secure in excess of 230k to continue with the ongoing replacement programme of Physical Training Equipment. For the coming year over 300k has been ring-fenced to continue the programme. Over recent years this has been a real success story as we have managed to upgrade a lot of our holdings across the whole Division.
The Collective Training Group (CTG) re-subordinated under Commander Field Army and with it both BATUS and BATUK being part of CTG also moved away from HQ ARTD, so no more morale boosting trips to those training areas, (unlucky Stoddy, although you have just been in Cyprus for a squillion years!). As Personnel Support Command (PSC) stood up with our Colonel Commandant at the helm, HQ ARTD slotted in below that organisation, along with a number of other 2* organisations. That organisation has also just re-named to Home Command. Things seem to be changing so frequently it is dif cult to keep up. Run around now!
It has been another busy and ever changing year and I am sure it will be much the same for Maj Stoddy Stoddart as I hand over to him shortly. I enjoyed my time in HQ ARTD and it was welcome relief after 30 months being thrashed in DTrg. Back to Army HQ for another thrashing, at least this time it will be my last!
By the time you are all reading this I will have completed just over 3 years at 1 RSME Regt and moved
on to pastures new and the joys of HQ RAPTC as SMI TDT.
My 3 years in Chatham have been a joy from start to nish working with fantastic AAPTI’s, great Royal Engineers and enthusiastic and generous civil servants. This is a Regt that although not renowned
SSgt Smith Team Captain RE Games
for its golden beeches, pina colada cocktails and location within our great shores is full of determined and resourceful people with a “can and will do” mentality. Supported by the Commandant and Commanding Of cer every step of the PD way, it is a Regt that supports not only its RAPTCI but also its soldiers in the highest possible manner both professionally and personally.
My replacement WO2 (QMSI) Tony Richardson is moving into a very well run and respected unit and I am sure will have the same joy and support that I have received during my time.
The Regt has had a fantastic year on the sporting front coming 2nd in ARTD behind 14 Regt RA in the sports trophy and coming 7th overall which is a great achievement for a training establishment. This was topped by winning the Royal Engineer Games a fantastic achievement
by all who participated putting the Regt rmly at the forefront of Engineer sport.
The Regt has as always held 2 Boxing events a year the Regtl and the RE Corps Championships, were both great successes. The events in 2016 will be especially satisfying as it is the 300th Anniversary of the Engineers. Special events will occur throughout the year ranging from sporting events to of cial functions participated by the Chief Royal and Local dignitaries.
This year the Regt has organised Ex NORMANDY SAPPER, this is newly developed initiative within the Regt and in accordance with the CO’s policy on “Battleworthiness” (Morally, Physically and conceptually equipped soldiers ready for the eld army) Ex Normandy Sapper is a two day WW2 Battle eld study delivered to all 0-2 trainees. It focuses on the role played by the Allies during