Page 131 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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                                 Course Design and COVID-19
WO2 (QMSI) P Percival RAPTC
You would think that the PTI course content and programme would ‘run on rails’ with very little change, however, the constant churn that is policy, H&S, Physical Employment Standards and the APTS coupled with COVID-19 has presented a constant challenge to the team within CDC. However, they do say that ‘out of chaos comes order’ and as RAPTCIs we certainly work well under pressure, this year has been testing but it has created a healthy collaborative working environment and seen all organisations within Fox Lines pulling together for the greater good.
There have been many physical changes to the programme for courses run at the ASPT, however, by far the biggest change has been the introduction of on-line learning and virtual courses. I am proud to report that the team within CDC supported by the Delivery Team and several outside presenters have really delivered in this space. So far, we have designed and delivered the Capt’s and WO1 Cse, the WO CLM Cse and the Field Army Employment Course virtually; for those of you who took part thank you and well done, this couldn’t have been easy. In addition, there is much more pre-course learning, and this is especially relevant in the Army Reserve space to ensure students arrive fully prepared. Personally, I believe we will now be expected to do more online and remote delivery and as such CDC are becoming well versed in this domain.
PT Leader Course
SSgt (SSI) A Rees
In June 2020, the Field Army pushed on with the proposal to introduce a Physical Training Leader (PTL) award. Personnel qualified as PTLs would be able to support the Unit RAPTCI and AAPTI to deliver PT in a busy and often dispersed Unit. The RAPTC Training Design Team and ASPTs CDC worked on analysing the role and designing the course content, which resulted in a pilot programme. The course is 6.5 days in length and individuals are qualified to deliver pre-designed sessions in the form of bodyweight circuits, loaded marches and steady state runs. The programme was handed over to WO1 (SMI) Richardson and Sgt (SI) Lockey who led the coordination of a series of pilot courses within 3XX.
As the CDC’s primary focus is updating and developing PT courses; this was an exciting project to be involved in, certainly
Left to right: Sgt (SI) Atherton, SSgt (SSI) Rees, Capt (MAA) Jessey, WO2 (QMSI) Percival and SSgt (SSI) Spence
being able to build the course from the ground up was something I had yet to experience and was very rewarding.
At the time of writing this article the results of the pilot are being analysed before submission to a Military Judgement Panel (MJP). If the PTL is endorsed, it will have the capability to provide basic and standardised bodyweight PT; contributing to the Army Physical Training System. Early feedback suggests that the PTL pilot scheme has been a success, time will tell...
Development and Digitalisation of RAPTC Selection
Sgt (SI) J Atherton
In recent years, HQ RAPTC designed and delivered the RAPTC Selection Course. However, within this training year and to ensure DSAT compliance the responsibility for design and delivery was handed to the ASPT.
For the CDC and DT this was an exciting opportunity and it didn’t take long for some innovative ideas to be banded about. The team under the watchful eye of both Capt Jessey (OC CDC) and Capt Pierce (CI ASPT) spent many days around a whiteboard brainstorming new and old ideas to ensure that the process was modern in its design and thinking, tested both physical and mental robustness, provided a mixture of objective measurements, whilst allowing room for subjective feedback from the Directing Staff, but most of all recognised our traditions of a process that was hard but fair and provided equal opportunity for candidates to show the best version of themselves. The first step was to try and digitalise as much of the process as possible and use the Defence Learning Environment (DLE) as the platform.
Assessments, theory exams, scoring matrixes, student and DS documents are now completed and submitted electronically. The team have revisited and re-designed instructional practices, performance tasks and the physical & mental resilience events to accommodate any COVID restrictions. The new RAPTC Selection has been delivered three times, and we are grateful to have received positive feedback from staff and candidates. The team have plans to continue to develop the course once outside the COVID limitations.
Candidates on RAPTC Selection consider the task ahead

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