Page 132 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 132

Capt (MAA) R Pierce RAPTC, Chief Instructor
What does it take to successfully deliver Subsequent Trade Training (STT) to the Field Army during a Pandemic? A team that is totally professional, resilient, highly motivated and focused on the task at hand; this is what we currently have on the Delivery Team (DT) at the ASPT.
It seems like only a week ago I assumed the role of Chief Instructor, however I find myself well established
after nearly 10 months at the time of writing this article. Having witnessed a large turnover of staff since Sep 20, the DT have had to quickly adapt to what is required of them by producing highly trained RAPTCIs/AAPTIs in the current and most challenging of conditions. Due to their efforts, professionalism, and work ethic, I therefore feel extremely privileged to be in this position and working alongside the brilliant team we have at the ASPT now.
Prior to arriving in role and having worked at the ASPT, I thought to myself “how hard can it be...?” My judgement was altered when the Training Warrant Officer reminded me about the pace of life by saying on week 1 “Strap in, we move fast here...” As the reconstitution of training at the ASPT hit my desk and I started to unpick the complexities of Force Health Protection (FHP) measures - while trying to absorb the syllabus of both the AAPTI and RAPTC Instr Cse - I quickly came to realise how far the ASPT
had evolved. My daily routine was now a mixture of contingency planning and stretching the staff to think about compressing (and delivering) a 9-week AAPTI course in 6 weeks, while continuing to produce highly trained PTIs for the Field Army; luckily, I have a team of SNCOs who are sharp, receptive and entirely dedicated to their responsibilities. I am reminded daily that there are no passengers on the delivery team, and every one of my staff contributes in striving to make the ASPT a centre of excellence, and long may this continue...!
The last 10 months has been a blur and seem as though they have merged in to one long month, however we have successfully trained 168 AAPTIs; 15 AR PTI Basics; 9 AR PTI Advanced; delivered 2 RAPTC selection courses; and successfully trained 32 newly badged RAPTCIs. Having achieved this with the tightest of restrictions in place within a COVID environment, overcoming obstacles and challenges that would test and stretch the team daily has been a remarkable achievement and I can confidently say we are the measuring eye that guides the hand and feet.
With the National lockdown hopefully approaching the final stages and with an expectant relaxation of FHP Measures, we can now look forward and see the light, as we start to think about the structure of future courses and bringing back Pass off Parades to Fox Lines.
  “A Team” – Capt R Pierce, WO2 MJ Brightey, WO2 R Bell, SSgt B Mairs, SSgt C Taylor, SSgt P Noble, Sgt G Smith, Sgt T Serghi, Sgt L Hilson, Sgt J Kemp, Sgt M Ramsdale, Sgt S Brimacombe, Sgt T Kirby, Sgt s Sadler.

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