Page 134 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 134
InVal and the power of it when done correctly
Training Validation Warrant Officer (TVWO)
At some point in your career, you will have attended a sport or career course and been subjected to the dreaded Friday afternoon Internal Validation (InVal). Most people don’t understand the purpose of an InVal, and for that reason, it is often considered a hindrance, something preventing you from commencing your journey home for the weekend. The truth is, InVal is crucial in helping organisations evaluate the effectiveness of the training they are delivering.
You should never underestimate the importance of feedback; it drives a culture of Continuous Improvement, and at the ASPT we are always trying to identify ways to maximise our Training Delivery and Resource Efficiency. InVal is so much more than negative opinions about accommodation or food; it measures the following aspects of a student’s experience;
• The Efficiency and Effectiveness of training, ‘are we doing things in the right and proper way.’
• The extent to which a Student has increased their Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes.
• Thoughts, Feelings and the immediate reaction to a training experience.
Students who attend courses at the ASPT are afforded and encouraged to complete their InVals electronically using the Defence Learning Environment. Establishing buy-in to complete the InVals is vital in driving the discussions held with the Training Validation Warrant Officer during the mid and post-course discussions. Gathering this information is critical and ensures that the ASPT keeps improving its courses for future students, ensure that learners are getting as much from experience. Finally, it helps to attract or retain students in the future.
On behalf of all Regular and Retired members of the RAPTC Association the SMAA would like to congratulate the students of RAPTC Instructor Cse 220, 221, 222 and 223 on their successful completion of training and subsequent transfer to the RAPTC. “Well Done and Welcome to the Corps”
RAPTC Instructor Course 220 – 27 July 2019 – 20 March 2020. Back Row: L to R: Sgt McCabe, Sgt Suttill, Sgt Ramsdale, Sgt Page, Sgt Fife. Front Row: L to R: Sgt Bolstridge , Sgt Parker, SSgt Noble (Cse Instructor), Sgt Jones, Sgt Aylward. Photo by kind permission of Tempest Photography
RAPTC Instructor Course 221 – 07 October 2019 – 25 September 2020 – (12 months due to Lockdown). Back Row: L to R: Sgt Boachie-Ansah , Sgt Veitch, Sgt King, Sgt Townsend, Sgt Madderson, Sgt Miley, Sgt Anderson. Front Row: L to R: Sgt Douglas, Sgt Malin, WO2 Brightey (Cse Instructor), Sgt Campbell, Sgt Serghi. Photo by kind permission of Tempest Photography
RAPTC Instructor Course 222 – 13 January 2020 – 11 December 2020 – (12 months due to Lockdown). Back Row: L to R: Sgt Davies, Sgt Exton, Sgt Williams, Sgt Smith, Sgt Elms, Sgt Valasa, Sgt Critchlow. Front Row: L to R: Sgt Hampson, Sgt Smith, SSgt Mairs (Cse Instructor), Sgt Brown, Sgt McNamara. Photo by kind permission of Tempest Photography
RAPTC Instructor Course 223 – 20 July 2020 – 26 March 2021. Back Row: L to R: Sgt Kerung , Sgt Muskwe, Sgt Ward, Sgt Colwill, Sgt Tash, Sgt Scott. Front Row: L to R: Sgt Sansom, Sgt Hussell, SSgt Noble (Cse Instructor), Sgt Clelland, Sgt Farr. Photo by kind permission of Tempest Photography.