Page 133 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 133

Capt (MAA) G Slade-Jones RAPTC
So, LECAB out of the way, and it’s onto the first assignment on the Dark Side. I moved into the role of CAVO in Jul 20. I inherited a great team with solid working practices. Having
made a few adjustments to the office, placing a few dragons and pictures on the walls, it was time to understand the job in front of me. With a team full of experience and corporate knowledge, I was in good hands to carry out the role. Like most, the Covid pandemic caused our working practises to change, and for the best part of 8 months, the whole team hasn’t been in the same place at the same time. Having got over the initial difficulties of this new working environment, it was on to implementing courses following the new guidelines. All staff pulled together and helped develop a training programme that could be completed around the current restrictions. I’d like to thank Chris, Dean, Gaz, Sav, Sue, Angela and Liz for all their hard work and dedication in my short time as the CAVO.
Team Dynamics and Lockdown Challenges
WO2 (QMSI) C Williams RAPTC
Training Assurance Warrant Officer (TAWO)
The last year has seen many challenges for the CAV Cell, as it has for all across the ASPT, RAPTC and broader communities. The first lockdown saw all Staff members working from home for the foreseeable future; this was a particular challenge as we were yet to receive the necessary IT equipment to allow this to happen. As always, in true ASPT spirit and with significant guile, craft and “can-do attitude” the CAV Cell managed to maintain their working practices whilst working remotely and plan for the future challenges ahead. Maintenance of moral was key during the lockdown, and this was evident through the weekly zoom challenges, quizzes and any number of various activities invented by the team. These meetings offered a chance for all the team to catch up and some hugely entertaining activities. The CAV Cell remains a fantastic place to work with a great group of both Military and Civilian Staff, all pulling in the same direction to ensure the success of the ASPT’s core business of producing the future RAPTCs, AAPTIs, AR PTIs and Sports Coaches and Officials.
Programming restrictions against SD
Training Co-ordinating Warrant Officer (TCWO)
The ASPT training programme comes with its own complexities without a Global Pandemic adding another level of difficulty.
“Happiness comes in threes” WO2 (QMSI) D Moss, Capt (MAA) G Slade-Jones, WO2 (QMSI) C Williams all smiling on the inside!
Having limited infrastructure and resources can be a struggle to organise 6 AAPTI sections, 3 RAPTC Instructor courses and several Sports courses at the same time. So, once the issue of social distancing (SD) is thrown into the mix, programming takes on a whole different dynamic. After Lockdown One, the ASPT team returned to Fox Lines in Jun 20 and began to established Force Health Protection Measures iot reconstitute training in Jul 20. Following a visit and inspection by the Environmental Health Team which gave us the green light it was all hands to the pump. For the AAPTI course to go ahead, we had to reduce the number of students on the course to allow for SD, which put the course at 50% normal capacity. Gym floors were turned into classrooms using Prowise TV’s and the course was reduced from 9 weeks to a 6-week gated course working a 6 day week Monday – Saturday.... Sunday truly did become a day of rest....!
Having 3 Sections instead of the regular six enabled the course to be placed into ‘Primary Households.’ This measure was implemented on lessons, NAAFI breaks and within the accommodation, stopping cross-pollination during the course. The initial 2 weeks of the course was the ‘Controlled Monitoring Phase’ (CMP) which required all staff and students to maintain SD of 2m or more. During weeks 3, 4 and 5 section bubbles increased to 2 and then 4-person bubbles. This progressive easing of SD following the 2-week CMP enabled the full set of Training Objectives to be delivered. Unfortunately, the RAPTC Instructors Course had elements of the course carried over as a Trg Gap due to external course providers being unable to deliver, Covid-19 and the Welsh Firebreak also impacted on the delivery of AT.
To add salt to the wound, the Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre Swimming Pool was closed for a year which created extra work at an already busy time. I am hugely grateful to ATC(P) and Tidworth / Bulford Garrison who allowed us use of their pools which enabled the delivery of swimming training and testing to RAPTCIs / AAPTIs and those personnel about to deploy on OP TOSCA.
They say that out of chaos comes order, I have witnessed first- hand the selfless commitment of all staff at ASPT as they pulled together to ensure training continued in the midst of this pandemic and I am very proud to have been part of this team. At the time of writing this article the ASPT have had success with no positive cases from any of the courses at the ASPT in 2020.
The real brains of the CAV Cell

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