Page 2 - June 2020 Hernando
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2 • SEPTEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
Academia Hernando Brings
Learning to Life for Area Seniors
By Megan Carella The all-volunteer board develops
and plans each semester’s
It’s not every day that one can programs, which are held at St.
listen to Eleanor Roosevelt talk Andrew’s Episcopal Church in
about her experiences during Spring Hill. The $70 tuition each
WWII. Or hear Marie Curie semester (or $10 per session)
discuss how she discovered covers the cost of the venue and
radium and invented X-rays. Or speaker fees. More than 145
have a pirate say what a pirate’s people attended the Fall 2019
life was really like. Or see series.
homing pigeons in action.
Board members Micki Mandel
Hernando County seniors can and Sharon Printz find and
do just that – and learn about so schedule speakers for each
much more – through Academia season’s programs.
Hernando, a not-for-profit
lifelong learning organization Susan Marie Frontczak, living history reenactor from Colorado, “It’s a fun job. We go hear people
that provides educational dons the persona of, and shares a day in the life of women in speak and visit other senior
history, including Eleanor Roosevelt. She makes presentations to
experiences for adult students Academia Hernando on a yearly basis. lifelong learning programs. We
throughout Hernando County. (Photo courtesy of Susan Marie Frontczak) check out museums and other
The organization offers two On the cover: Academia Hernando is a not-for-profit lifelong places for the bus trip. We’re on
eight-session series of lectures, learning organization that provides educational experiences for the move constantly,” Micki said.
in fall and spring, presented by adults in Hernando County. Its all-volunteer board of directors The speakers often have
experts from a wide variety of coordinate details, and research and schedule speakers for the fall advanced degrees, are well-
backgrounds and from all over and spring series of courses. (Photo by Sharon Printz) traveled, well-read and very
the country. in this county from all walks of Commission Chambers of the knowledgeable about their
life, with a variety of education Courthouse, then moved to
When Academia Hernando starts and life experience. They come different venues to accommodate subjects. Many of them have
its Fall 2020 series on Friday, to hear good speakers, socialize, growing interest. taught college courses and
Sept. 18, attendees will meet written books about the topics
(following CDC guidelines) and learn something new and In 2010, a group of long-time they present, said Micki.
every Friday for eight weeks to participants, including Marge, “To me, it’s just natural to want
learn about Steven Spielberg, Marge started attending the decided to break off from the to bring learning to people,
the music of Richard Rodgers, programs soon after she moved USF group and form their own especially seniors. And we’ve
black holes, Antarctica, opera, from Pinellas County to Spring lifelong learning organization. found some wonderful presenters
and the Comedy Hall of Fame, Hill. Academia Hernando was born. that we bring back,” she added.
among other topics. At the end
of each series, the group takes a “It caught my eye because they “We wanted to be able to get Speakers come from as close
“mystery bus trip.” Previous trips were having a program about speakers from outside USF. It as Brooksville and Tampa,
have been to museums, dinner art,” the retired nurse said. “I was kind of like stepping off and as far away as Colorado.
theaters, outdoor attractions in was used to having Ruth Eckerd the edge of a cliff,” Marge said. Sometimes the topic isn’t to
the Central Florida area, and the Hall outside my door and I “Since then, we’ve expanded everyone’s interest, but the group
Florida Aquarium. worried that there wouldn’t be and gotten better. We’ve gotten strives for variety – and many of
anything stimulating here. This speakers from all areas and are the attendees surprise themselves
“Retired people want something was something for me.” offering much more diverse by being drawn in.
to keep them stimulated; they programming. But without them,
don’t want to just curl up on the At the time, the program was we would never have done “We had a program on bee
sofa with a cat and go to sleep,” sponsored by a learning in this. We’ll be forever grateful keeping. I really didn’t want
said Marge Griffin, 81, president retirement division of the that USF wanted to help us all to go; it wasn’t something I
of the Academia Hernando board University of South Florida the way up here in Hernando was interested in,” said Micki.
of directors. “We have people (USF). Called “Mondays in County.” Continued on page 3
Brooksville,” it met in the