Page 6 - June 2020 Hernando
P. 6

6 • SEPTEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
                                                                           What Is Not Killing Your

                                                                                Tree:  Spanish Moss

                                                                  By Dr. William Lester, UF/
                                                                  IFAS Extension Hernando
                                                                  County and

                                                                  Dr. Kathleen Shields, UF/IFAS
                                                                  Hernando County Extension

                                                                  Master Gardener

                                                                  Did you know?
           Pictured left to right: Marcia E. Strachan,                                                        to Central and South America and the
          RoseAnn Bright, and Amanda Palermo of the                • Spanish moss is neither Spanish          southeastern US. Native Americans
          Nature Coast 912 Patriots delivered donated               nor a moss.                               called it Itla-okla, which meant “tree
          school supplies to Moon Lake Elementary                  • Spanish moss is not a parasite; it       hair”, but early French explorers
          School in New Port Richey, and West Side                  gets all its nutrients from the air
          Elementary School in Hernando County.                                                               thought it looked like the Spanish
                                                                    and rainwater.                            conquistadors’ long beards, so they
          The group also delivered pet supplies to                 • Spanish moss has a key role in           called it “Spanish Beard”. Over time,
          the Animal Shelter in Brooksville and Pasco                                                         Spanish beard became Spanish moss.
          Animal Services in Land O’ Lakes.                         Florida’s ecology.

          Financing was provided by donations from                Our office receives frequent calls          Spanish moss produces tiny seeds
          members of the Nature Coast 912 Patriots.               from residents worried that their           with feathery appendages that allow
          (Photo courtesy of Nature Coast 912 Patriots)           tree is being killed by Spanish moss.   them to float through the air, but
                                                                  Contrary to widely held belief,             it is more likely to propagate from
                                                                  Spanish moss is not a parasite. It          fragmented pieces carried by birds or
            Pine Island Park                                      is an epiphytic plant that grows on         the wind. Many animals use Spanish

            Open to the Public                                    another plant but does not utilize the      moss for protection, taking cover in
                                                                  host plant for nutrients. Epiphytes,        the thick masses. Several species of

            Hernando County Parks and Recreation                  sometimes known as “air plants”,            songbirds use the plant material for
            has reopened Alfred McKethan/Pine                     get all their nutrients from the air        nest building or weave their nests in
            Island Park, located at 10840 Pine Island             and rainwater, and they make their          clumps of moss. While the plant is
            Dr. near Hernando Beach. Contact Parks                own food. Spanish moss does not             not parasitic, heavy accumulations
            and Recreation at 352-754-4027 for more               have any roots. It uses its long, scaly  can weigh down branches and
            information.                                          stems to wrap around the host tree          over-shade existing foliage. Dead
                                                                  and hang down from the branches.            and declining trees generally have
                                                                  The stems are covered with cup-             numerous bare branches that easily
        Master Gardeners Nursery                                  like, permeable scales that retrieve        catch wind-blown moss, while

        Open Wednesdays and                                       moisture and nutrients from the air         healthy trees generally outgrow any

        Saturdays                                                 and from pockets on the surface of          moss that lands on them. You do not
                                                                                                              need to remove Spanish moss from
                                                                  trees. The plant’s tissues can hold
        The Master Gardeners Nursery, specializing in             more water than it needs, so it can         your trees, but if you do not like the
        Florida native and Florida-Friendly plants, is            withstand long dry periods, and             look, use gloves or a hook to remove
        open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m.              in extreme droughts, it becomes             any accumulations. Having your
        to noon, weather permitting. Located at 19490             dormant until moisture returns.             trees sprayed with a copper fungicide
        Oliver St., Brooksville, behind the Hernando              When the tissues plump up after a           is not recommended because it turns
        County Fairgrounds, the nursery has a large               rain, Spanish moss appears greenish,  the moss into black slime in the tree,
        selection of no-pesticide healthy stock at great          and as the water is used, it returns to     which is neither healthy for the tree
        prices. Only cash and checks will be accepted.            a gray hue.                                 or attractive.

        The nursery strictly adheres to the state’s               Spanish moss is not a type of moss; it  For answers to your gardening

        COVID-19 guidelines for public safety to                  is a bromeliad, related to pineapples       questions, contact UF IFAS
        include limits on number of customers, social             and many popular houseplants. It            Extension Hernando County at 352-
        distancing, and sanitation. More information is           does not exist in Spain but is native       754-4433.
        available at 352-754-4433.
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