Page 16 - June Hernando 2020 Senior Voice
P. 16

16 • JUNE 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County                                                                 Health Connections
         16 • JUNE 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County

                   Florida Starts to come

            back from Covid-19 Virus

        By Ted Sobolewski,                   the six-foot guidelines at the      what I have seen, many               for me, we always carried a
                                             checkout area even after the
        Accent Insurance                                                         restaurants have made                small hand sanitizer with us
        Group                                virus goes away. I agree, I         changes to help reduce the           to clean our hands with when
                                             like to have some room when         chances of your getting the          done with the menu.
        It is amazing the difference         I am paying without someone         virus while going out to eat.

        a month can make as, in              right at my shoulder.               With only 50% capacity, you          At Accent we are open
        Florida, more and more               One of the other more               are not that close to anyone,        (limited hours), so if you are
        businesses are opening for           highlighted CDC                     nothing on the tables (no            looking for Medicare options

        business. But we still have          requirements is wearing             salt or shaker cheese), and          or have questions on other
        a lot farther to go before we        masks. Do I wear one or not?        everything is in separate            insurance products, give us a
        are back to normal.                                                      disposable containers. They          call at 352-666-7373. If you
                                             If it helps to eliminate the                                             need a mask, call us and we
        As more business go back             chances of getting the virus,       also are using disposable            may be able to get you one.
        to work and people begin             wear one. Some stores and           menus. The menu issue was

        to venture out from their            areas are requiring that you        always a concern before
        homes you can sure see the           wear a mask to be able to

        increased traffic on the roads  enter. Remember, this is to
        as well. So, everyone be             protect the most susceptible
        careful out there. Some of           individuals from contracting

        us have not driven a car in a        the Covid-19 Virus. Several
        while; it can take a few times  of my clients are afraid to
        out to get that feel of driving      really go back out into the

        back, so take your time.             public. Practicing social
                                             distancing and wearing a
        The CDC is requiring                 mask will help to keep you

        people to continue to social         from catching this virus.
        distancing, staying at least         Frequent cleaning of our
        six feet away from each              hands is another way to try to

        other. This is something we          reduce the odds. Taking these
        all need to try to do. I was         steps can and will reduce the

        in Target at the checkout            chances of someone catching
        area a few weeks ago. Those          this virus but, for those
        who have been in Target              that have underlying health

        know they have the six-foot          issues, such as diabetes,
        floor sticker spacers at the         pulmonary issues, or heart
        checkout area, and while             issues, these steps are a must.

        I was in line I heard two
        people at separate checkouts         I will say I have enjoyed
        tell the Target employees that  going to lunch and dinner

        they hoped Target will keep          again at a restaurant. From
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