Page 15 - June Hernando 2020 Senior Voice
P. 15

Health Connections                                                                        Senior Voice of Hernando County - JUNE 2020 • 15
                                                                                                    Senior Voice of Hernando County • JUNE 2020 • 15
             Lockdown                                                               This is where the Senior Voice

               Gratitude                                                            Citrus edition is distributed.

                                                                                                                   Citrus Springs
         MindShift                           and then they had to deal                                             Citrus Springs

                                             with the unseen, even-more-
                                                                                                                     Beverly Hills
         On Demand
         O   n   D     em     an    d        dangerous foe. They had                                      Crystal River  Beverly Hills Hernando
                                                                                                          Crystal River
                                                                                                                        Citrus Hills
                                                                                                                        Citrus Hills
                                             already buried millions and                                            Lecanto
                           By Donna          would bury millions more                                                           Inverness
                           Blevins,          before it was over.                                        Homosassa
                           PhD,                                                                                   Sugarmill        Floral City
                                                                                                                                   Floral City
                           and Daniel        I am grateful that we                                                 Woods
                           Melbourne         encountered this virus in
                                             a time of peace—with the                Reaching over 28,000 seniors each
                                             strongest global economy in
        Finding gratitude during a           history.                                                and every month.
        pandemic, or any other life-         I am grateful that as of this
        challenging event, requires          writing, the Coronavirus                          Call now for advertising
        a pivot in our thinking—a            deaths* worldwide are a
        transformative MindShift—            fraction of what our ancestors                 information. 352-419-6994
        but it can become second             faced more than a hundred
        nature with consistent               years ago. (*313,215
                                             according to WHO, the World
        Gratitude makes everything           Health Organization).
        look and feel better.                I am grateful that we know            This is where the Senior Voice
        Regardless of any situation,         exactly what it is, and how to        Hernando edition is distributed.

        as we consciously express            fight it.
        gratitude, we experience
        greater personal power, clarity,  I am grateful that treatment

        peace, love, and joy.                and vaccine research are well
                                             underway and began almost
        Consider this. Compare our           immediately once we knew
        current situation with what          what we were up against.                         Pine Island
                                                                                              Pine Island
        people had to cope with                                                                                     Brooksville
        during the Spanish Flu a             I am grateful that most of us                         W eeki W achee         Spring Lake
                                                                                                   Weeki Wachee
                                                                                                                          Spring Lake
                                                                                                       Spring Hill
        century ago.                         have been able to practice                       Hernando   Spring Hill
                                             social distancing, and                                           Masaryktown
        In 1918, they suffered tens          many can continue to work
        of millions of deaths, and           remotely.
        scarcely understood what was                                                 Reaching over 30,000 seniors each
        happening, let alone how to          I am grateful that today’s
        stop it. There was no option         technology allows us to                                 and every month.
        but to let the disease run its       order-in, entertain ourselves,

        course. They dealt with the          remotely gather for work,                         Call now for advertising
        unspeakable loss the best they  play, and precious family
        could.                               moments, have groceries                         information. 352-277-6309
                                             delivered, consult with
        They had just come through
        “The War to End All Wars,”                  Continued on page 17
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