Page 10 - NTNSC_Benefit Guide 2021
P. 10

Dental Options:


               2021 Rate - Per Pay Period

                Per Pay Period           Humana
                                                                           Dependent Information

            Employee Only                 $21.06              North  Texas  Neuroscience  and  Sleep  Centers,  P.A.
                                                              offers  employees  the  opportunity  to  cover  their
            Employee + Spouse             $42.13              spouse  and  dependent  children.  Children  can  join
                                                              or remain on a parent’s dental plan until age 26.
            Employee + Child(ren)         $56.60
                                                              When a child turns 26, they will lose dental coverage

            Employee + Family             $78.25              on the last day of their birth month.

                    Type of Service                                (In-Network) Amount Paid

         Preventive Services                         Covered at 100%; No Deductible

         Basic Services                              Covered at 80% after Calendar Year Deductible

         Major Services                              Covered at 50% after Calendar Year Deductible

         Calendar Year Deductible                    $50 Individual / $150 Family

         Orthodontic Services –Child Only            Covered at 50% - Lifetime maximum $1,000 (no deductible)

         NON-Network Providers                       Reimbursed at 90% of R&C

         Annual Maximum                              UNLIMITED

                    Type of Service                                    Benefit Description

         Preventive Services                         Oral Exams, Cleanings, X-rays, Sealants, Fluoride Treatment

         Basic Services                              Composite Fillings, Oral Surgery, Endodontics, Periodontics

                                                     Crowns, Bridges, Inlays/Onlays, Dentures & Implant Related Services
         Major Services                              (crowns, bridges, and dentures Coverage limited to equivalent cost of
                                                     a non-implant service. Implant placement itself is not covered.)

         Orthodontic Service                         Children under age 19

         Annual Maximum                              Does not apply

                                   Please note:  This is intended for general information purposes.
            It is not a guarantee of benefits.  Please reference the Summary of Benefits or contact the carrier for specific details.

                              Website:    Customer Service: 1-800-233-4013

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