Page 12 - NTNSC_Benefit Guide 2021
P. 12

Life / AD&D Insurance and LTD:


             Basic Life Insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) and Long Term

                                                      Disability (LTD)

         North Texas Neuroscience and Sleep Center, P.A. provides our full-time employees basic life and matching
         AD&D and an LTD benefit; the company pays the full cost of these benefits. Benefits reduce 33% at age 65, 70
         and 75 for the basic life.

                   Voluntary Life Insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
         North Texas Neuroscience and Sleep Center, P.A. offers full-time employees a Voluntary Life / AD&D policy
         for  themselves,  their  spouse,  and  their  dependent  children.  In  order  to  elect  coverage  for  a  spouse  or
         child(ren), you must elect coverage for yourself. This plan is offered through competitive group benefits by
         your employer. It is paid by you and is accomplished through payroll deductions. Benefits reduce 50% at age

                                                                                                     *Child Life /
                                     Employee Life / AD&D              Spouse Life / AD&D
         Maximum Benefit                                         100% of Employees benefit, up to
                                 5x Annual Salary, up to $500,000                                      $10,000
         Amount                                                             $250,000

         Minimum Benefit               $10,000 to $100,000              $5,000 to $100,000
         Amount (Increments)        then $50,000 to maximum          then $25,000 to maximum

         Guarantee Issue  (GI)                                   $30,000—Cannot Exceed 50% of
                                 5x Annual Salary, up to $100,000                                      $10,000
         Amount - New Hire                                              Employee Election

                                  If you chose an amount at initial   If you chose an amount at initial
         Qualifying Event In-       enrollment less than the GI     enrollment less than the GI
         crease                   amount, it can be  increased up   amount, it can be  increased up to   N/A
                                        to the GI amount.                 the GI amount.

         Accelerated Death       80% of your Life Benefit up to $500,000 is available if diagnosed with a terminal illness with
         Benefit / Living Care    a life expectancy of less than 12 months.

                                 If it is determined that you are totally disabled, your life insurance benefit will continue with-
         Waiver of Premium
                                 out payment of premium, subject to certain conditions.
                                 The portability feature allows you to continue this insurance for yourself and your depend-
                                 ents (if applicable) should your employment end, subject to the terms of eligibility defined in
                                 the policy, without having to provide evidence of insurability (information about your health).
                                 Employee must request this through The Hartford.

         *Children covered to age 21 or 25 if a full-time student.  Limited coverage for children aged 14 days to 6 months.

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