Page 7 - Wesco Benefit Guide Effective 9-1-2020_Revised 9-28-2020
P. 7

UHC Charter HMO


           Introducing UnitedHealthcare                       a health coverage  product

           not        to help employees  make informed health care decisions, but to lower

                    health care costs          employees  and their dependents.

          How the plan

            Employers must be located in one of the                  network counties:          Dallas, Denton,
                  Fannin, Hunt, Johnson,  Parker, Rockwall or Tarrant.
            Employees must          in one of the network counties to be                     ollment
            Enrolled Charter members  must select a network PCP to guide them through their care
             either a general or          practitioner, internist or pediatrician  from         United
             Healthcare           k
            PCPs      provide care       the          of a              health care needs,               be

             a                  or an illness or        as       as provide a                 specialist care is

                              coverage is not available except in the case of emergency


          Along                   to the Charter network and outreach, advocacy and
          programs, other plan                    include coverage

           Doctor           visits.

                           patient
           Emergency
           Hospital

           Lab
           Pregnancy and newborn

           Mental health and                            disorder
           Prescription

                              services and

                          care
           Pediatric oral and
           Chronic disease                         .

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