Page 5 - Draft_Domestic_Violance_updated29.7.2021_Neat
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Gender Based Violence at Different stages of Womanhood
[Source: UNFPA Report, 2004]
Prenatal Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Old Age
Pre-birth Female Child Molestation Domestic Abuse of
elimination Infanticide Marriage Eve Teasing Violence elderly
of females Different Child Rape Marital Rape Abuse of
Physical access to sexual Incest Dowry widows
Battery care, abuse Forced related Threat of
during nutrition, Child Prostitution Abuse and Sexual
Pregnancy health Prostitution Trafficking Murder Violence
care, Differential Violence Homicide Lack of
NB: Although education Access to associated Sexual access to
Its mandatory facilities with pre- Harassment care,
to investigating like marital at the Work nutrition
centre nutrition, pregnancy, Place and
education abortion Molestation medical
Kidnapping , Sexual facilities
and Abuse, Rape
abduction Desertion