Page 13 - First Choice-Care Quality Landscape Brochure #2 Neat
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        We  understand  how  worrying  planning  the  financing  of
        long-term care can be - at a time when you are already facing
        difficult  decisions  about  care.  We  work  with  Symponia  –
        specialists  in  financial  care  planning  for  the  elderly  and  we       HOW TO ARRANGE HOME CARE
        would be delighted to put you in touch with one of their local
        experts.                                                                    With a dedicated customer team just a phone call away 0208 699 9184 or chat
                                                                                    online via our website, who will talk through all of
        If your capital and savings and/or income push you over the                 your needs with you and arrange a consultation with a local care manager – it
        means test thresholds for state funding, you will generally need            couldn’t be easier to arrange home care.
        to be responsible for funding. However, with careful planning it
        may be possible to structure your finances without having to                 STEP 2: A HOME CARE ASSESSMENT
        worry about the future.
                                                                                    Your local FCH manager will visit you to discuss your requirements face-to-face
        IMMEDIATE CARE PLANS                                                        and learn about the type of care you’re looking for.  We are also able to carry out
                                                                                    this assessment via virtual meetings ie Skype or Zoom
        ICPs  are  dedicated  tax  efficient  financial  policies  specially
        designed to cover all, or part, of the cost of your spouse, parent          STEP 3: CARE BEGINS WITH EXTRA SUPPORT
        or relative’s care fees. The plan will pay an agreed tax-free
        amount at regular intervals, directly to the home care provider,            We’ll make all the arrangements for the start of your care – whether that’s
        for the rest of their life. Benefits can increase over the years to          introducing  you  to  your  visiting  carers  or  working  with  you  to  find  the  right
        help keep pace with care fee increases. A lump sum is required              live-in carer or regular carer for your chosen type of care.   After that, your care
        to purchase such a plan and this is calculated individually on              manager offers regular reviews, carer supervisions and extra support as needed.
        age and health.                                                             When you call, one of our friendly advisers will signpost you to our online prices
                                                                                    and  how  to  make  and  pay  for  your  care  bookings.  The  final  price  will  be
        EQUITY RELEASE TO PAY FOR CARE AT HOME                                      confirmed once your local care specialist visits you in person, as part of your free
        You may be able to financially benefit from releasing an amount               non-obligatory consultation.
        of equity in your home. It’s a realistic way to raise capital,              If you’re looking for care,
        income or a combination of the two while continuing to live in
        your home.                                                                  call us on
                                                                                    0208 699 9184

                                                                                    or chat with us online
                                                   Borough of Lewisham
                                            CQC overall rating.   Good. 6 May 2020

                                                                                                                                             Borough of Lewisham
                                                                                                                                     CQC overall rating.   Good. 6 May 2020
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