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appointed one of his relatives as the   The most unforgiveable thing is the   city of Urmia (modern Orumiyeh in
          ruler of Yerevan.                  support given to the representa-    Iran) (Sardinaria, 1380/2002, ibid.).
                                             tives of this nation, and the fact that
          Another frequent error in the text-  (either knowingly or unknowingly)   In the chapter entitled "Yerevan
          books is connected with the attack of   they have become participants and   during the Rule of Agha Mahammad
          Irakly II on the Yerevan khanate in   victims in political games.      Qajar" it is emphasized that, after a
          September 1779. It is stated that the                                  thirty-five-day siege, the fortress of
          khan of Yerevan had asked Irakly II   In the book of the Iranian historian   Yerevan fell under the rule of Agha
          to forgive him, and the Tsar, having   Samad Sardarinia, devoted to the   Mahammad Khan. The author points
          accepted the khan's request about   history of the Yerevan khanate entit-  out that there is evidence for the de-
          the incident in Kartly, quickly retur-  led Yerevan was a Muslim Land (Sar-  pendence of Mahammad Khan. Qa-
          ned to  Tiflis.6  However, according   darinia, 1380/2002), the history of   jar withdrew power from him for his
          to known events, the Yerevanis led   Yerevan is described from ancient to   secret connections with the Ottoman
          by Mahammad Khan had strongly      modern times. The author writes in   Sultan, and appointed Aligulu Than
          resisted the Georgian troops and did   the preface: "The city which is now After the assassination
          not surrender (The History of Geor-  the capital of the Armenian Republic   of Agha Mahammad Than, Aligulu
          gia, 1946, P. 437).7               and known as the city of Yerevan, the   Than was ousted from Yerevan (Sar-
                                             population of which consists of the   dinaria, 1380/2002, p. 6o-61).
          The temporary dependence of the    Armenians, was for centuries one
          Yerevan khanate on the Kartli-Ka-  of many regular provinces of Iran   In the chapter titled "Yerevan during
          khetia kingdom is wrongly repre-   [using the geographical name used   the Russo-Persia Wars", the author
          sented in textbooks.               since 19351,  and a land of Muslim   writes: "During both stages of the
                                              residents, as well as a strong fortress   Russo-Persia wars, the Muslim po-
          Certain aspects of the history of the   standing on the way of foreign inva-  pulation of Yerevan, faced with the
          Yerevan khanate are researched in   ders" (Sardinaria, 1380/2002, P. 3).   aggressive forces of Tsarist Rus-
          the work of the Georgian-Soviet his-                                   sia, had demonstrated such bravery
          torian G. Kikodze entitled Irakly II   In the chapter entitled "Chukhur-  and patriotism that their resistance
          (1948). This book examines the life   zad", the author gives detailed in-  and courage wrote a golden page in
          and achievements of the Kartli-Ka-  formation about the creation of the   the modern history of Iran [South
          khetia king Irakly II and his dea-  Chukhurzad province (beylerbey-    Azerbaijan - Z.H.]" (Sardinaria,
          lings with the Yerevani khanate. The   liyi), its borders, administrative   1380/2002, p. 67). The author's af-
          author considers the territory of the   divisions, the origin of its name,   firmation that the Yerevan khanate
          Yerevani khanate to be the territory   stressing the fact that the population   was a golden page of Iranian history
          of Armenia (Kikodze,  1948,  P.   58).   of the province consisted mainly of   is not strictly correct. The credit he
          Kikodze stresses the impact of the   Azerbaijani Turks, and the power in   gives to the brave resistance of the
          defeat of the Georgian kings by Haji   the province belonged to the Sadly   Yerevanis is correct. Nevertheless, at
          Chelebi of Shaki on the peoples of   tribe, which was a member of the   that time the Muslim population of
          Dagestan and Azerbaijan, and the    Qaraqoyunlu tribal confederation.   the Yerevan khanate consisted only
          growing movement in Ganja, Ire-    Thereafter, the author presents his-  of Azeri Turks, and therefore only
          van, Qazakh and Borchaly to sepa-  torical details about the city of Yere-  they can be proud of these lines writ-
          rate from Georgia (Kikodze,  1948,   van dating back to the period of the   ten in the historical record.
          p. 62).9  Like the other Georgian   Safavids.
          researchers, the author distorts the                                   The author is wrong in considering
          facts connected with the fighting   There is a separate chapter in the   the Azerbaijani lands to the north of
          between the commander of Nadir     work entitled "Yerevan during the   the Araz River, which were annexed
          Shah, Azad Khan, and Irakly II on   Khanate Period". Sardarinia gives   by Russia under the Gulustan Trea-
          the territory of the Yerevan khanate.   information about the creation of   ty, as the territory of Iran.
                                              the Yerevan khanate, that the kha-
          The work of G. Paychadze, The Geor-  nate was divided into twelve mahals   The author, who states that the brave
          gievsk Treaty (1983), is dedicated to   (districts) (Sardinaria,  1380/2002,   resistance of the Yerevanis really
          the 1783 treaty signed between Rus-  P. 53)  and writes mistakenly that the   annoyed Tsar Nicholas I, draws this
          sia and Kartli-Kakhetia. The author   first Yerevani khan was Huseynali   information from the French wri-
          also examines relations between Ye-  Than Qajar (Sardinaria, 1380/2002,   ter Jean Younir. He conveys to the
          revan and Kartli-Kakhetia, expres-  P. 54).  He affirms that Huseynali   reader those details which cannot
          sing contradictory and wrong as-    Than died in 1793 and Mahammad     be found in other sources: "When
          sumptions (Paychadze,  1983, P. 57).   Than ascended to power.         Tsitsianov moved on Yerevan in
          He states that the Yerevan khanate                                     1804, the Russian commander Dalov
          was founded by Shah Abbas I on      It is mentioned that in the spring   managed to penetrate into the wes-
          the territory of "East Armenia" in   Of  1751,  Fatali Khan Afshar, with   tern part of Yerevan. The Muslims
          1604,  that the Yerevani khanate   a large part of his army, moved to-  who became angry with this action,
          was an Armenian state (Paychadze,   wards Yerevan and besieged the city,   revenged by praying (reading azan),
          1983, ibid.). The main cause of these   but due to the fact that the ruler of   and after that, with the help of the
          wrong assumptions by Russian and    Kartli, Irakly II, sent aid to the Ye-  Quran, sent by Abbas Mirza, they
          Georgian historians comes from the   revanis, the Urmian troops gave up   managed to force out the invaders
          negative policies of Tsarist Russia   the siege of Yerevan and attacked   from of the city."
          and the Soviet authorities towards   Kartli instead -- the Urmianis won
          Azerbaijan. The study of numerous   this battle (Sardinaria, 1380/2002,   In order to withstand the attacks of
          sources indicates that for centuries   P. 55).                         the Russians, Amin Pasha of Erzu-
          Armenians have been employed in                                        rum tried to reach an agreement
          important positions in organizations   This book relates the fact that the   with the Yerevanis on a joint struggle
          where historical facts could be mani-  Yerevani Huseynali Khan, along   against their common enemy. Hu-
          pulated, i.e. in archives, libraries,   with other Azerbaijani khans, was   seyngulu Than of Yerevanii and
          museums, printing houses, trans-   deceived and taken to Shiraz, while   Amin Pasha met on 30 August 1811,
          lation centres and news agencies.   Karim Khan Zad was attacking the   on the right bank of the Arpachay

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