Page 9 - DIVA_1_2013
P. 9
H.M The King set up a fact-finding
mission in order to find out what had
really happened, in the true style of
the United Nations. Unilaterally, An
Independent Commission of Inquiry
was established, by a Royal Order, to
investigate and repoit on the events
occurring in Bahrain in February/
March 2011, and any subsequent
consequences arising out of the afore-
mentioned events, and to make such
recommendations as it may deem ap-
The BICI, was composed of inter-
nationally recognized human rights
lawyers and experts, such as Profes-
sor Bassiouni who chaired the com-
mission. Other prominent members,
where Sir Nigel Rodley, Professor
Badria Al-Awadhi, Philippe Kirsch
What happened in Bahrain is typical take place within tl'ie channels that we and Mahnoush Arsanjani. In order
of what is happening in the region call the national dialogue, rather than to collect their data, they were given
- - what we call the "Arab Spring". tal6ng place in the street, where those free access to all sources with com-
Bahrain was facing more or less the with the loudest voices confronted the plete immunity. His Majesty asked
same social movement. People were police forces. This is unfortunately the Commission to present its repoit
asl6ng for more space to exercise their what happened. within four months, giving recom-
freedom. Tliis kind of uprising hurt mendations to be implemented, as
everybody and was moving in the His Majesty the I(ing asked His Royal well as its observations. This shows in
wrong direction. The Government Highness the Crown Prince to lead what way the Arab Spring is different
tried to control the situation. the national dialogue and to listen to in Bahrain.
every single voice in so-
Q: What did these people really ciety. He asked all sectors
want? of society to participate
seriously. Unfortunately,
In the beginning, wliat they were as- some of the parties chose
16ng for was to exercise more rights, not to take part in this
and to exercise them in the Parlia- national dialogue which
ment. Our constitution system is lasted for forty days - - it
based on two cl'iambers. One is direct- was indeed a very critical
ly elected by the people and the mem- time. The security situa-
bers of the other one are appointed by tion has forced the go-
the King. In 2001 eacli Bahraini was vernment to take relevant
invited to say whether they wished to measures so as to protect
see a new constitution. These people civil society and citizens
were, in fact, asking that the second and to preserve the safety
chamber should also be elected - - in of public and private pro-
other words, the King would be depri- pertxes.
ved of his legitimacy.
Bahrain is a part of
Furthermore, they were asking to re- tlie Gulf Cooperation
distribute the elective constituencies. Council, and they sent
They claimed that the geograpliical troops to sensitive areas.
areas were not balanced. Tliey said There were no consul-
that a large part of the population was tations between the so-
electing a small number of Members called uprising and these
of Parliament (MP). They asked for troops, and troops were
the redistribution of the geographical sent to strategic areas,
elective zones in order to have better sucli as the Internatio-
representation and a fairer "pait" for nal Airport, the oil wells,
their MP. Tl'ie problem was that these the refineries, the large
people did not have the consensus of aluminium plant and
the whole nation. It is indeed a very other strategic places in
respectable demand, but it should Bahrain.
International I