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On  the  23  November   :ou,   the  Com-  listening    to   the   consensus
        mission   presented    its  report   of   more  of  society.   We   cannot  just
        than   5oo   pages   which  relates  the  listen   to  one   section   of  so-
        beginning    of   the   event.   The   last   chap-  ciety   -  -  we  have   to  take
        ter   of  the   report    gives   twenty-two  into   account   the   interests
        recommendations    and   observations  of  everybody.
        to  the  Government.    The   report   does
        criticize   the  Government    for   having  Q:  Bahrain    is  laiown
        used   force,   but   it  also  criticizes    the  for   its   liberty    -  -  re-
        opposition    for   not   having   accepted   the  ligious    among    other
        invitation    for   dialogue    and   for   not   sit-  issues     -  -    and    has
        ting   at  the   negotiation    table.  a    small     population,
                                           b ut   when    you   see   the
        When   the   report   was   presented,    his  images     on    TV    you
        Majesty    the   King   annorinced     that  have    the   impression
        we   are   committed     and   pledged   to  thatthewhole   counh7
        implement     all   of  the  recommenda-  was   on   fire.    Do   the
        tions   listed   in   the   report   without    any  groups    that    have   been
        exception.    He  started   immediately    by  demonstrating     re-
        setting   up   the   National     Implemen-  present    a  minority    of
        tation   Commission.    By  :g   February  the   population    or   the
        :oi:    all  of  these   recommendations  whole    population?
        should   have   been   implemented.
                                           Bahrain   has  and  still   is
        As  we  are  a  small   nation,   we  would  recognized    as  a  very   open
        like   to  see  our   society   and   our   country  society,   and   has   been   re-
        return   to  normal.    His   Majesty    actually  cognized   for   being   a  good
        mentioned    this   in   a  historic    speech   on  place   for   foreigners    to
        the  :3   November   :ou.   He  said:  "We  live,   to  relax,   to  visit,   etc.
        do  not   want,   ever  again,   to  see  our  We   have   always   had   this
        corintry   paralyzed   by  intimidation    and  kind   of   exchange.   The   demands    made  The    Bahraini     economy    is   very
        sabotage.   We   do  not   want,   ever   again,  last   year   do  not   reflect   the   opinion  strong   despite   the   crisis.   Of   course,
        to   hear  that   our   expatriate   work-force,  of  the   whole   population    or  even   the  Bahrain    was   affected   by   the   crisis,   but
        which   makes   such   valuable    contribu-  people's   demands.    We   certainly    have  gradually    the   economy    is  getting   back
        tions   to  the   development    of  our   na-  a  mixture    of  people   who   have   different  to  normal.
        tion,   has  been   repeatedly    terrorized  opinions    of  life,   so  we   cannot   say   that
        by   racist   gangs.   We   do  not   want,   ever  what   happened    last   year   reflects   the  Q:   Nowthatwehavetalkedabout
        again,   to  see  civilians    tried   anywhere  Bahrainis'    demands.  your    country,    can    you   tell    us
        else   but   in   the   regular   courts...".                         what    you   would    like   to  achieve
                                           Q:    Bahrain    was    becoming     a  while    you   are   here   in   Geneva?
        Bahrain   feels   very   sorry    about   the  very   important    financial    centre,
        events   that   happened,    but   we  are  a  known    for   its   transparency    and  I  would   first   of   all  do  my   best   to  give
        serious   and   coriscious    people,    very  lack    of    corruption.    'What    has  back   to  Bahrain   the   same   image   it

        determined    to  reach   our   goals   and   to  been   the   impact    of   these   events  previously    had   as    a very   advanced

        recover   and   reconsolidate    our   society.  on   the   economy?  country   and   a good   example   of  de-
        We   are  a  monarchy,    and   we  wish   to                         mocracy   in  the  region   -  -  an  open
        continue    our   reforms    on   the   right  I    agree    that    Bahrain    is   recognized  society.   Of   course,   the   human   rights
        path.   However,    we  cannot   overnight  in  the   region   as  a  hub   for   the   ban-  issues   come   at  the   top   of   the   agenda
        become   a  monarchy    like   the   ones   you  king   and   financial    sector,   simply   be-  and   show   again   that   Bahrain    is  setting
        findin   Sweden   orthe  United   Kingdom.  cause   we  liave   very   strict   financial  a  precedent    for   the   Arab   Spring.
        We   have   traditions    and   we   are   moving  rules   and   regulations    that   go  back   to
        step   by  step   to   reach   this   goal   by   again  the  ig7os.  Q:    If    I   understand    correctly,
                                                                              would    it   be   right    to   say   that   you
                                                                              are   using    this   bad   experience    to
                                                                              improve    your    society.
                                                   :4j        ,'}
                                                                              Yes,   absolutely.    As  long   as  we  are   able
                                                                              to   encourage    all   sectors   of  society
                                                                              and   important    elements   within   the
                                                                              country    -  -   the   Government,    civil   so-
                                                                              ciety,   the   citizens   -  -   to  work   together
                                                                              to   solve   problems    andto   overcome    the
                                                                              obstacles   peacefully.    This   is  the   most
                                                                              important    example   that   can   be  shown
                                                                              to  the   international    community    to  be
                                                                              shared   by   all.

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