Page 15 - DIVA_1_2013
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nental scale. This may be achieved through bilateral channels, mul-
by promoting, in particular, the tilateralism is the only way to go.
small, family-based agricultural One example is the success of the
sector, because these are the ones recent UNCTAD XIII Conference
who produce the basic food for the in Doha. Before going there, a lot of
African population. We also need delegations did not think it would
to create space for the big agro- be possible to reach a positive out-
businesses, but this does not imply come or an agreement. Luckily,
that the small producers have no we were able to turn those chal-
role to play. My convictions have lenges that we were facing into a
been reinforced during the time success story as the Group of 77 and
I spent in Brazil where I saw how China managed, together with the
these small producers contributed developed countries, to renew the
to turn that country into one of mandate of UNCTAD for another
the big players in the world's agri- four years.
business. In particular, they trans-
formed the exports of the rural The Doha mandate confirms the
sector, including agriculture, cattle Accra agreement and opens up
breeding and fish farming. new aspects taking into account
the new geo-political and geo-eco-
Q: In other words, you would nomic situation that has evolved
like to see this kind of invest- since the Accra meeting four years
ment? ago. Therefore, we all think that
UNCTAD has come out stronger
Of course, I would like to see many than before.
investors who could help boost our
agricultural sector. The Senegalese Permanent
Mission in Geneva is also
Q: With your new president tasked with the responsibility
in office, have there been of co-ordinating human rights
any major changes in your issues for the African Group in
country's foreign policy? Geneva from June 2011 to Decem-
Do you foresee any changes? diplomatic architecture with a view to ber 2012, and for health issues from
reinforcing Senegal's presence in the 1 January to 31 December 2012 . This
As a former cabinet minister, a former world. At the same time, he is conso- will add to the burden of my normal
prime minister and the former pre- lidating peace, stability, good gover- duties as both Permanent Representa-
sident of the national assembly, Pre- nance, the promotion of human rights tive in Geneva and Ambassador of Se-
sident Macky Sail is no newcomer in and sustainable development, at home, negal to Switzerland.
Senegalese, African and international in the region, on the African continent
diplomacy. Quite the contrary: he has and on the broader international stage. Q: Finally, Mr Ambassador,
contributed to a great extent to shaping In this way he will better foster the where would you like to see your
a dynamic Senegalese foreign policy. economic and social development of country a couple of years from
Senegal. now?
I would rather say that pressing foreign
issues have imposed themselves on the Q: How does it feel to be an am- I would like to see it among the "emer-
President, even before he took up of- bassador in Geneva at the heart ging countries". This is the ambition of
fice. Have you seen what happened in of the multilateral system in President Sail. We are currently among
Mali and Guinea-Bissau? Recently, he these turbulent times? the "least-developed countries", and
hosted an extraordinary session of the we have the ambition to "graduate"
Communauté économique des Etats de It's true that multilateralism is at stake -- as they say in the UN jargon -- and
l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO—ECO- and this statement is not too strong. emerge as a stable country in a no less
WAS) dedicated to the situation in At the same time, this danger repre- developed and peaceful sub-region of
both Mali and Guinea-Bissau. If there sents an opportunity for the different the continent. Africa is a rich conti-
is one area where there is almost a players to unite their efforts so as to nent, but Africans are poor, and we
consensus in my country, it concerns reinforce multilateralism and make have to change this.
foreign policy. One cannot but give it stronger. There really is no alter-
priority to the policies that reflect one's native to boosting world trade, glo- Through your magazine, DIVA, I call
geography and environs. President bal health, balanced disarmament, for more investments in Africa, the
Macky Sail paid his first official visit to enhanced peace and security for all, next "frontier". We have a dynamic
The Gambia -- as is normal. I do not protection and promotion of human youth sector representing more than
know if I have answered your question, rights, mitigation of climate change 50% of the total population of 1 billion
but these are some of the highlights of and promotion of the green economy. Africans. We want to combine this
Senegal's foreign policy. We cannot go back to the old system strength with the vast land, sea, forest,
because it will not benefit anybody. mineral and water resources to make
President Macky Sail will certainly Everything has become global and I Africa one of the major players of this
impose his own style and make the believe that, despite the fact that some millennium --- especially through the
necessary changes in the Senegalese still promote protectionist measures knowledge economy.
International 13