Page 20 - DIVA_1_2013
P. 20
that encourages self-destruction. A
sort of social stagnation and fear are
embedded in contemporary European
societies. There are nuances and dif-
ferences among countries but there
is a common line of thought: fear of
the future! Fear about the future of
our children, fear of being less rich in
the future, fear for energy and oil sup-
plies, and so on and so forth.
Europe seems to be stuck in fear,
while having few ideas for change and
the social and political spectrum, are neither creating nor producing
while the quick money principle re- new ideas and products. This is the Our children will have a future inas-
mains fascinating. A fact that is now situation that results in a "back to the much as we leave values and hope for
acknowledged is that there is a Euro- past" approach. The free movement them! This is not the case at the mo-
pean brain-drain. It has become a re- of people remains a major European ment as materialism has taken over all
gion where innovation is seen as sub- achievement. Such an achievement is the underpinning values that brought
versive and where people are unable not questioned. Therefore, it is only us to the present level of economic de-
to imagine the future -- and even demagogy that motivates such ques- velopment: faith in the value of politi-
create a future. Does this have any- tioning. Europeans need concrete cal and social progress!
thing to do with meritocracy? It does. solutions to concrete problems, inclu-
Societies that are stuck in the present ding employment and income genera- Europeans are losing hope about a
cannot imagine the future and there- tion through innovation and value-ad- factor that has inspired the continent
fore do not encourage youth to create ded production. This means initiating for centuries: progress! We are now
and innovate. a virtual circle rising towards the top afraid of losing what we have obtai-
instead of continuing to sink towards ned, and are neither developing ideas
Recently, I saw a programme about the bottom, being guided by hope nor creating economic growth.
Italy. It stated that Italy is not a and confidence rather than by fear
country made for young people and mistrust in the future. This takes
parents and grand-parents provide more energy and effort, but it is the
a home for young people who are only way to build a new Europe in the
unable to move on in life on their own long term.
because they cannot find a job. Actual-
ly, unofficially young people are filling Turning towards the past rather than
badly paid jobs where you work long projecting and planning for the fu-
hours for small salaries with no social ture will only isolate the continent
benefits. An amazing situation! In Ita- without solving its structural chal-
ly, some people say that when retirees lenges. Short-term and short-sighted
die the system will collapse, because policies resulting from a pragmatic
they are the ones sustaining the Ita- approach have shown their limits.
lian economy! And where are the qua- Long-term planning is necessary to
lified young? They take on a multitude formulate appropriate strategies and Fear is an obstacle to innovation.
of small jobs or leave the country. This give hope to European societies. The
situation brings me to my next point. increasing inequalities and the "des- We must find again that hope that ins-
integration" of the social structure pires entrepreneurship in the sense
Some European politicians want to have also consequences on security that goes beyond making money and
reduce migration flows in Europe and and the relationship with the world. I reaches the sphere of creation and
even revise the Schengen Agreement. believe that the social link is the key to projection towards a future with an
It is as if Europeans have never migra- fighting against insecurity and extre- optimistic vision. Of course, inter-
ted or moved around the world. It can misms of all sorts. national competition is a reality. But
only be short-term political interest what motivates our competitors?
that makes European politicians make While acknowledging that no system
such populist speeches. Speeches like is perfect, I think that there is a certain The hope that has motivated the Eu-
that do not bring any new political level of imperfection that a system can ropean continent for centuries: the
ideas to the table, while giving their tolerate before it collapses. We know hope that the lives of our descen-
national constituencies the wrong that the perception of imperfection is dants would improve as a result of the
idea about world politics. different according to the angle from development and creation of wealth
which it is viewed and depends on by the present generations. It seems
The truth is that if European econo- the stage of economic development that Europeans have lost such a
mies were growing, Europeans would and political stability of countries. My motivation. Our comfort has become
not fear migration. Someone might reading of the current European sys- our prison. Nevertheless, there is
say: "nothing new under the sun." The tem is that such a system has reached space for hope and improvement that
reality is that European economies a level of saturation and stagnation should encourage optimism.
L 18 International