Page 24 - DIVA_1_2013
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presentation of the book- experience the true Uzbek hospita- tions is particularly appreciated. It
album <<Masterpieces of lity and to dive into the atmosphere showcases the efforts made by one
A architectural epigraphy of of Uzbekistan for a while. of the Member States of the United
Uzbekistan>> and the opening ce- Nations to achieve the UNESCO
remony of an exhibition of photo- In his opening speech, Mr. David goals. Through this exhibition the
graphs from that publication were Chikvaidze, the Chairman of the world is reminded of its collective
held in Palais des Nations in Gene- UNOG Cultural Activities Com- responsibility for the future of hu-
va on April 29, 2013. The event was mittee thanked H.E. Ambassador man culture, heritage and history".
organized by the Permanent Mis- Gulnara Karimova, Permanent
sion of the Republic of Uzbekistan Representative of the Republic of The statement on behalf of H.E.
at Geneva in cooperation with the Uzbekistan to the United Nations Ambassador Gulnara Karimova,
Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbe- Office and other International Or- Permanent Representative of the
kistan Foundation (Fund Forum) ganizations in Geneva, and Head of Republic of Uzbekistan to the
and the United Nations Office at the Fund Forum for organizing this United Nations Office and other
Geneva. The event was attended by very unique exhibition. He pointed International Organizations in
over 300 guests, including heads out that the perfect book-album Geneva, was also read out. In her
and representatives of diplomatic <<Masterpieces of architectural epi- speech, Permanent Representative
missions, official, business and aca- graphy of Uzbekistan>> is the result of Uzbekistan, in particular, noted
demic circles of Switzerland, as well of exploration of the monuments that the presented book-album of
as the mass media and more than of material and spiritual culture the Fund Forum <<Masterpieces of
twenty international organizations located in Uzbekistan that have architectural epigraphy of Uzbe-
with headquarters in Geneva. been listed by UNESCO as unique kistan)) is the fruit of the long-term
archetypes of world heritage. work of best experts and scientists
The photo exhibition, that demons- of Uzbekistan and an evidence of
trated bright collection of the best As Head of UNOG Cultural Activi- serious attention and care of the
samples of calligraphy on the ties Committee pointed out, "the preservation and revival of cultural,
beautiful and majestic architectu- exhibition takes us on a journey architectural and spiritual values in
ral monuments of Uzbekistan, has through fascinating images of cities Uzbekistan.
triggered great interest and enthu- in Uzbekistan giving the opportuni-
siasm of all guests present to the ty to understand the roots and the Mr. Robert Bloom, the President of
rich culture and ancient history of history of generations past which is the Diplomatic Circle of Geneva: <<I
the country. brilliantly embodied in their archi- express my respect and gratitude to
tectural monuments. This exhibi- the Permanent Representative of
Performances of the group <<Sato>> tion allows the visitor to revive the the Republic of Uzbekistan to the
in ethno-fusion style that com- art of epigraphy, as a way of trans- United Nations Office and other
bined Uzbek traditional jazz and mitting the wisdom of sacred texts, International Organizations in Ge-
rock music, and culinary delights philosophical thoughts and the neva, Ambassador Goulnara Kari-
of Uzbek cuisine have added addi- essence of instructive sayings. The mova and her colleagues for the
tional national colors to the event, initiative of Uzbekistan to show wonderful music and the presenta-
giving guests the opportunity to this exhibition in the Palais des Na- tion through beautiful paintings of
22 International