Page 29 - DIVA_1_2013
P. 29

resolve conflicts through politics and
                                                                                 diplomacy. I believe this paves the
                                                                                 way for many more Israeli and Pales-
                                                                                 tinian organizations, and it adds to the
                                                                                 trustworthiness and meaningfulness
                                                                                 of the UN system.

                                                                                 Q:  How does  SACH  reach chil-
                                                                                 dren from countries which don't
                                                                                 have diplomatic ties with Israel?

                                                                                 There are always obstacles. However,
                                                                                 obstacles exist in order to be over-
                                                                                 come. The bottom line is that nothing
                                                                                 will stop us from treating a child in
                                                                                 need of care and the Israeli authorities
          Q: What was it like being at the    sibility of giving voice to the voiceless   are fully supportive of the initiative,
          United Nations?                     children suffering from heart disease,   as are the Palestinian and Jordanian
                                              especially those suffering from rheu-  authorities.
          Attending this UN session was a     matic heart disease -- a disease un-
          wonderful opportunity to conduct a   known in the developed world --   Q: Do you observe changes in the
          dialogue with representatives of dele-  that could be eradicated with more   relationship between parents coming
          gations from countries with which an   awareness. It is an opportunity to   from countries in conflict with Israel
           Israeli representing an Israeli NGO   highlight both the work being done   and the medical corps during the
          would not usually have an oppor-    and, at the same time, the tremendous   treatment?
          tunity to interact.                 need.
           Q:  How  difficult was the pro-    Q:  How important do
           cess for SACH,  and how do you     you think it is that the
           feel that it compares to the expe-  UN recognizes an or-
           rience of other organizations?     ganization like SACH,
          At the official NGO committee ses-  conflict in the Middle
          sion, an Israeli organization automa-  East?
           tically generates interest. SACH treats
           children from forty countries, inclu-  I think it is very impor-
           ding Palestinian children and children   tant as it sends a message
           from countries with which Israel does   of trust-building and co-
           not have diplomatic relations.     operation between people
                                              living on opposite sides in
           Q:  What is the biggest benefit    a conflict zone. Working
           that  SACH  receives through its   towards a better future
           consultative status?               through day-to-day tan-
                                              gible activities is essen-
           The biggest benefit is international   tial while leaders and po-
           recognition of its work and the pos-   liticians are attempting to

                                                                                 Of course! Many families come with
                                                                                 a feeling of fear, not knowing what
                                                                                 to expect and relying mainly on what
                                                                                 the local media have told them. They
                                                                                 leave Israel as our friends for life and
                                                                                 as part of the international family of
                                                                                 SACH. They have touched and been
                                                                                 touched by the scores of volunteers
                                                                                 surrounding them throughout their
                                                                                 stay in Israel, be it the doctors, the
                                                                                 nurses, lay people, Jews, Muslim or
                                                                                 Christians. SACH is a true eye-opener
                                                                                 to the good that exists in humanity
                                                                                 and helps eradicate stereotypes, for
                                                                                 both Israelis and Arabs coming to-
                                                                                 gether in the best interest of children
                                                                                 in the Middle East -- OUR Future.

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