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                  lbert Einstein's charac-  primary school. In fact, Einstein's   dynamics that had been explored
                  ter was of a noble sim-   parents were not particularly devout   by the Austrian Ludwig Boltzmann
                  plicity, full of benevo-  Jews. However, as his life advanced   and the American Willard Gibbs.
        A lence, modesty, integrity         his Jewish origins were to play an   But Einstein's early papers already
        and humour, with an indefinable     increasingly important role.       went well beyond these two scienti-
        aura of greatness that no diffidence                                   fic giants.
        could hide. For the general public   When the Munich factory ceased to
         Einstein, with his moustache and   prosper, his family moved to Italy.   Isaac Newton in the seventeenth
        halo of white hair, became the su-  The teenage Einstein did not fol-  century had thought that light was a
        preme symbol of science. His equa-  low his parents but completed his   stream of corpuscles. A century la-
        tions anticipated nuclear energy,   studies in the Swiss cities of Aarau   ter the Englishman Thomas Young,
        spaceflight, radar, lasers and atomic   and Zurich. In 1901 he became and   supported by the French physicist
        clocks. He was the focus of wide-   -- throughout the remainder of     Augustin Fresnel, showed evidence
        spread adoration—with the notable   his life -- remained a Swiss citi-  for a wave theory of light. Later,
        exception of the nazis.             zen. After searching in vain for an   Michael Faraday and James Clerk
                                            academic position, he finally found   Maxwell suggested that light travel-
        It is ironic that it was only after his   employment in  1902  at the Swiss   led in waves at 300,000 kilometres
        major works were completed, after   Patent Office. During his studies   per second. In  1888  the German
        the First World War, that the gene-  Einstein had mastered what is known   physicist Heinrich Hertz showed de-
        ral public learned that something   as Maxwell's Theory of Electro-    finitively that different frequencies
        momentous had occurred in the       magnetism, and it was this rare    of electromagnetism carry X-rays,
        world of science. In classical phy-  knowledge that secured him the    ultraviolet, light, infrared, heat and
        sics everything has a cause, but    temporary post of Technical Expert,   radio in the form of waves.
        Einstein's special and general theo-  Third Class, in Berne. It was in this
        ries of relativity introduced the no-  unlikely place that his scientific   Meanwhile, the German physicist
        tion of probability into atomic theo-  genius would flourish.          Wilhelm Wien had been trying to
        ry showing that quantum mechanics                                      account for how much energy be-
        were different from anything in our   In 1903 Einstein married his former   longed to each frequency at diffe-
        experience. Even though he showed   student colleague Mileva Maric.    rent levels of heat. His "black-body"
        that the ephemeral nature of quan-  The following year he was promo-   formula seemed to work for the
        tum mechanics had to be taken se-   ted from a probationary to a per-  higher frequencies but failed at the
         riously, Einstein refused to accept   manent post, and was joined at the   lower ones. In  1900, this led Max
        that there is in fact no underlying   Patent Office by his good friend   Planck in Berlin in an act of despair
         reality to the world: "God does not   Michel Besso on whom he tried out   to the extraordinary conclusion that
         play dice", he said -- but he was   his ideas. Thus we approach the mi-  these microscopic oscillations did
        wrong, as anti-matter, nuclear phy-  raculous year of 1905.            not change energy smoothly across
        sics and sub-atomic particles show.                                    frequencies, but jumped from one
                                            By this time, Einstein was in the   frequency to another in discrete
         Einstein was born on  24  March    habit of contributing papers to the   amounts that he called quanta. This
        1879 in the town of Ulm in Germa-   Swiss scientific journal  Anna len   discovery was to shake physics to
         ny. When he was still an infant his   der Physik. It seems likely that his   its foundations because it showed
        family moved to Munich, where his   work in the patent office concer-  for the first time that physical phe-
         father had set up a small electronics   ned proposals for perpetual-motion   nomena cannot be explained accor-
         factory. Although his family were   machines (a physical impossibility!)   ding to conventional ideas. But at
         of Jewish origin, Einstein and his   since his earliest contributions   the time only one person seemed to
         sister attended a Roman Catholic   concerned the laws of thermo-      take the idea seriously. On  17 March

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