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Vladimir Petrovsky and friends. There are also appreciations and
a pioneer of Geneva International memoirs of him written by all political spectra
and levels of people, including Kofi Annan
by Evelina Rioukhina and former UNOG Director-General Michael
It was his personal aspiration for peace,
Old school, new mentality - global vision combined with extraordinary patience,
Reflecting about the 75 anniversary of the perseverance, wisdom and integrity, that
UN, particularly in Geneva, it is essential to made him a friend to many outside his
write about one of the outstanding figures in professional realm of the negotiating table.
its history. He was a shining star in the Geneva He was the consummate diplomat, but also a
International constellation, and actually, is the colleague, teacher, mentor, generous friend,
one who created it and made it shine – the late and capable of great personal courage. He was
Mr Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of known as a person of integrity, high principles
the UNOG from 1993 to 2002. and ideals, but also as someone who shunned
His role and contribution here in Geneva, glory and showmanship, content to let others
and to Geneva as centre of dialogue and take credit.
peace cannot be underestimated. Ambassador All the above is why so many people
Francois Nordmann called him «un grand contributed to both books – especially because
artisan de la Genève Internationale» (Le Mr Petrovsky was generally too modest to
Temps, 10 mars 2014), and also, «un ami de la speak about himself.
Suisse et un diplomate hors pais qui a imprégné
l’histoire diplomatique du dernier quart du High ideals of peace and the United Nations
XXe siècle» and, «a marque son passage au For almost half a century, beginning with his
Palais des Nations (à Genève) comme nul student years, Mr Petrovsky was dedicated to
autre». Furthermore, he was included, along world peace. He became a career diplomat
with historical figures of Geneva, in Serge after graduating from MGIMO (Moscow State
Bimpage’s “Ceux qui font Genève”, a unique Institute of International Relations), and was
recognition given to no other UN person. posted to the New York Permanent Mission of
Two books about him have recently been the USSR to the UN. His progressive thinking
published: ‘Master Diplomat’, with a foreword brought about his first major success, in 1991,
by Mikhail Gorbachev, and a book published when he became the First Deputy Minister of
by his family: ‘Vladimir Petrovsky – People Foreign Affairs. This was during perestroika,
and Years”. Both books give deeper insight into time when new vision and thinking was
his personality, from early life to later career, needed. The same year he also became the
as seen by major players from the global arena, Executive Secretary of the OSCE Conference
by important politicians and by his colleagues on the Human Dimension, the following
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h