Page 7 - DIVA_1_2021
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In these Covid times, the General Assembly this I also believe in the power of
year was turned into a Cyber event. To what
extent do you think the future of diplomacy education and science in solving many
– or at least a part of it – is digital? What are of the complex problems in the
its advantages, and what are its drawbacks?
We need the physical meetings, the personal modern world. And of course,
touch and the informal encounters in I believe strongly in international
negotiations and mediation. This was missing
in the United Nations General Assembly in cooperation and multilateralism.
2020. Still, I believe we must be innovative
and adapt to the realities created by Covid-19.
For example, SIPRI (Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute) where I am the Chair
of the Board, last spring organized a digital
Forum on Peace and Development, which was
extended to over 160 countries.
Let us hope that across the board we draw the
You have been the man behind the Human right lessons of positive interdependence after
Rights Council, behind the concept of the right the Covid-19 crisis.
to protect, identified with peace negotiations,
just to note a few of the things you have been he 21 century is often thought of as a century
involved in. What is the activity that has given without an ideology. Do you share that point
you most personal satisfaction? of view, and, whether you do or not, how
The work on human rights and humanitarian would you characterize the 21 century?
action and principles has given me great I see in the world a disturbing polarization
satisfaction and inspiration in spite of both between and within nations. On one
setbacks and disappointments. To work out hand there is a social and liberal democratic
humanitarian corridors in Sudan, to launch traditional leadership continuing in the
the 100-day humanitarian program in Somalia tradition of the world order set up after World
1992 and to finish the negotiations on the War II. On the other, there is an authoritarian,
Human Rights Council in 2006 were steps on nationalistic and populist wave of movements
an arduous road to preserve life and defend protesting this order – sometimes successfully,
human dignity. The same goes for the launch as we have seen in the United States and
of Responsibility to Protect in 2005 and the elsewhere recently.
initiative Human Rights up Front in 2013 in
the United Nations. It is important that all good forces now
unite around international cooperation and
Today many feel that the future of solidarity. But it is also essential for us all to
multilateralism is at stake. Have we completely build societies at home on the basis of social
lost this ideal of international cooperation and and economic justice. Otherwise, polarization
solidarity in international relations? What and confrontation will persist.
can be done to remedy this?
We need a Renaissance of Multilateralism Finally, if you were to give a message to our
after the serious strains on international readers what would that be?
cooperation in recent years. We need to realize My message is a formula from the 2005
that a good international agreement is in the Summit declaration: there is no peace without
national interest of states. The Paris Climate development, there is no development without
accord is an important example – and it is a peace and there is no peace or development
relief that Untied States will re-join it, soon without respect of human rights.
after President Biden’s inauguration. Unless we live up to this, we won’t be able
Another test of global solidarity will be the to safeguard the future for both Humankind
distribution and costs of the Covid-19 vaccines. and Nature. •
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h