Page 6 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 6


                                                                          “Diplomacy has become
                                                                          a drug in my veins.

                                                                          I wish it would become
                                                                          more addictive in today’s


                 UN Photo / Jean Marc Ferré                               Interview with

                                                                          His Excellency
                                                                          Jan Eliasson

                                   Jan Eliasson can be ranked among the world’s  women and girls is one, the great potential of
                                   top  diplomats,  and  his  list  of  credits  is  very  youth is another if we learn to work not only
                                   long  and  impressive: a highly  respected  FOR young people but also WITH them.
                                   diplomat, an Ambassador, a former Minister  I  also  believe  in  the  power  of  education
                                   of  Foreign  Affairs, a President  of  the  and science in solving many of the complex
                                   United  Nations  General  Assembly (2005-  problems in the modern world. And of course,
                                   6), a United Nations Deputy   Secretary-  I believe strongly in international cooperation
                                   General (2012-16) and  now a Chair  of  the  and  multilateralism.  The  United  Nations
                                   Board  of  the  highly  respected  Stockholm  and  several  international  organizations  and
                                   International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)  agreements have been under attack recently,
                                   in Sweden.                             not least from the United States. It is gratifying
                                                                          that the new United States Administration is
                                   In addition to being a very skilled diplomat,  coming back to working in dialogue and trust
                                   he is also a warm and friendly person who,  with other nations.
                                   despite  a  very  busy  schedule,  accepted  to
                                   answer our questions. So now let us leave the  Diplomacy is an art. What are the qualities
                                   floor to Jan Eliasson.                 of a good diplomat, and which of these do you
                                                                          consider yourself to have you excelled at?
                                   You have a long and outstanding career as a  Diplomacy  is  an  indispensable  art  form
                                   diplomat, an international civil servant, and  –  regretfully,  not  fully  utilized.  To  use  the
                                   a peacemaker. You ended your international  Word  carefully,  to  analyse,  to  use  good
                                   career as the Deputy Secretary-General of the  timing, to realize the importance of culture in
                                   United Nations. When you look at the world  negotiations as well as personal relations are
                                   today, how would you characterize it?  crucial elements of diplomacy. Prevention and
                                                                          peaceful  settlement  of  disputes  are  also  key
                                   The world today is a troubled place. Covid-  parts  of  the  United  Nations  Charter,  which
                                   19,  wars,  the  climate  crisis  and  mistrust  require dialogue and diplomacy.
                                   and  polarization  both  between  and  within  I  must  admit  that  diplomacy  has  become
                                   nations are some of the reasons. But there are  a drug in my veins. I wish it would become
                                   also reasons for hope. The empowerment of  more addictive in today’s world.

                                                                               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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