Page 5 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 5
Businessman’s Blues
government and the team that was actually “Deep down, we know those in
fighting the pandemic. We ignored all the
decisions and actions taken and proved to be authority mean well, the
adequate and focused on those decisions and establishment does its best for all
actions that seemed ‘inadequate, untimely, or
plain wrong’ and pronounced those who took and as human beings, they are
such decisions to be negligent, incompetent, bound to make mistakes
or both. We could have told them it wouldn’t
work! every now and again. “
This wouldn’t be so bad if it was confined to
us, the masses or the silent majority, as we are This is not a new phenomenon. As a project
often referred to. Deep down, we know those manager, I have had characters like this
in authority mean well, the establishment does standing on the edge of the project whispering
its best for all and as human beings, they are into their own hands where things are going
bound to make mistakes every now and again. wrong and who is to blame. Should the project
Besides, if we have a collective view, we are not prove to be a success, they melt away with
afraid to express our displeasure overtly and words trailing behind them to the effect ‘they
exercise our democratic vote at election time. were lucky to get away with it’. If however, the
project should fail, irrespective of the reasons,
The problem is with those who are in they are there with rooster-like puffed up
semi-responsible positions like experts, chests, reminding anyone willing to listen,
commentators and media types who are not that they told us so!
part of the team dealing with the pandemic.
They form views and cannot wait to express So, if you are one of those ‘malcontents’, please
them through their media or cloaked in their stop it; you are subtracting value from the
academic qualifications. They pronounce total sum of an organisation’s strength. You
the work being done as not good enough, or don’t even have to step up and volunteer to
timely enough, or goes far enough, or is too help but, it would be nice if you did.
much, too soon, and so on.
If you are a person in a position of authority
They form a constant cloud over daylight, and it falls to you to guide and protect the
permanent din over the music, drip-drip of project, watch out for those toxic characters
toxic liquid on the road to recovery and in the and shoo them away; you will be doing your
process, undermine our collective hopes and organisation a great favour.
prayers for deliverance from our predicament.
They wait for every opportunity to shout out: Mufid Sukkar
w w w . d i v a i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c h
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h