Page 159 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
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artists has helped to shape the way I view the world. It “ I know now that our work, not just in
has allowed me countless opportunities to see different
perspectives usually hidden from those without their UNECE, but the United Nations as a
eyes. It’s opened my perception of the world around in whole, is helping to significantly repair
ways I could never repay. This is what drives me, always past damages to our environment,
seeing people and situations from various angles and
views. I’ve found a certain vulnerability and sensitivity and, consequently, to ourselves.”
from an artist’s perspective. I’ve learned to leave myself
open to experience a life that I never could have imagined entirely, but I’ve certainly come a very long way towards
coming true as a kid from a rough neighbourhood in realizing some goals and some achievements. My biggest
California. achievements have come in ways that only I can see and
feel. 10 years ago, I would never have had the confidence
How did you come to the United Nations? to make a decision that would alter the course of my, and
I came to the United Nations looking for answers. Which my family’s lives, in the way we are doing now. 10 years
I suppose is not much different than many others when ago, I would never have put enough stock in myself and
joining the U.N. To me, the world contained too many my skillsets, to believe anything was better than working
Interview with a colleague who resigned from the UN questions and not enough answers. Answers to the for the United Nations. I now feel like bigger challenges are
challenges people of this planet face that no community calling, deeper experiences are waiting for me, and they’re
Ryan Kennedy or Government could ever seem to collectively solve. I just outside of my reach. Taking the time over this last 2
wanted to know why, and how, everyday challenges that years to examine my own vulnerabilities, while hearing
looked so simple on the surface, yet were so elusive and the true needs of my dedicated spouse, our decision
For everything there is a fixed time (Bible, Ecclesiastes 3:1) fleeting to reasonable solutions. This is why I came to the became clear. I may now be more confident on my own 2
U.N. The best part is, although I found many of the answers feet, but when my wife stands by my side, I feel invincible.
I was seeking, they came to me in a way I could have never
by Evelina Rioukhina
expected. Being a part of this organization is one of my You had one of the most exigent jobs – working for the
greatest achievements to date, and I will be forever grateful. USGs, and not only working, also being their “right
Bombshell announcement – “I decided to Commission, with its almost 300 persons, with hand”, the person of trust, reliable, who never let down
resign from the UN”. Shock. Silence. What different mentalities, from different countries, You are in the most creative and fruitful age for a man, any of your bosses. Your bosses were very different
happened? This decision is so unusual, that with different backgrounds. So clearly, he has for a person – your decision to resign was sudden for us, – former Minister for Foreign Affairs from Bosnia and
we all, who received it, were speechless and a special talent, or definitely he has his secret. was it sudden for you? Herzegovina, a career UN official from Denmark, former
bewildered. But then after a second thinking We decided to invite him for this farewell In fact, this decision was taken over two years ago. It’s Minister of Economics of Denmark, professor-economist,
– yes, maybe he is right. interview before his departure from Geneva: been a discussion in my home for even longer. Working and Ambassador from the MFA of Slovakia. Were they
and living within this U.N. environment has opened all really so different?
For everything there is a fixed time, or as the Tell us about yourself. my mind and my heart. It’s helped me find my personal It’s funny, after serving several USG’s in UNECE over
saying goes, there is “a time to take stones As for myself, I like to keep things quite sensitivities to the way I live and think, and the impact these years, I forget to reminder myself just how exigent
away and a time to get stones together”. simple. I am a devoted husband of nearly 24 I leave behind for future generations. Of course, my my position in the Office of the Executive Secretary
years. We have a son, who is nearly 21 years colleagues have been a significant catalyst to our decision. really was. Particularly when it came to the details of
A whirlwind career – not everybody can raise old. I’ve been both blessed and cursed that I’ve always looked at the work we do in UNECE as a road the different characters that sat in the USG’s role. With
4 levels over 8 years, it is practically incredible, my spouse and son are talented artists. My map for leaving the planet in a better place than previous each change in leadership, my only goal was to ensure
and it does not happen, or it does not happen incredibly, ever creative wife, who creates or current generations. I know now that our work, not just the incoming USG felt comfortable with me, with my
often, especially without any field mission, nor fabulous artworks born of other people’s old in UNECE, but the United Nations as a whole, is helping general presence and purpose in the office.
changing a duty station. But what is outstanding junk and rubbish. While my son is a naturally to significantly repair past damages to our environment,
– this person had one of the most exigent talented musician, capable of harnessing and, consequently, to ourselves. These thoughts have I had the opportunity to absorb an immensely diverse
and difficult jobs – working for the Under- sounds and compositions that, quite honestly, worn on me enough over the last 10 years, that I now pallet of knowledge from each one individually. As you
Secretary-General (USG), and not for one of blow my mind! For some reason, I have been feel I must go out and put this road map to the test. mention, a Foreign Minister, an Economist, and an
them, but for four of them! All are different, unbelievably blessed to be surrounded by Ambassador, all from different regions of Europe, with
and all of them valued him a lot, the favourite such gifted people. However, not having any Your decision came in the middle of a very promising, differing ideologies, political experiences and future
“right” hand of the four Under-Secretaries- traditional artistic ability myself, keeping up even breath-taking career. Have you felt that you ambitions, allows for the most direct form of education
General, reliable, punctual, precise. with them can be a considerable task. But achieved all you wanted to? Have you felt that it was I’ve ever, or could ever, experience.
they are my utmost joy, the reason I put my time to leave, your time to leave?
And what is more surprising, even astonishing feet on the floor every morning. Although I At the end of the day, life is about realizing one’s own However, in the end, there are truly only a few things
– this person was also the favourite of the whole don’t have their natural abilities, living with human potential. I don’t know if I’ve realized mine every USG needs regardless of where they come from, or
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h