Page 154 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 154
Culture Culture
“Such conversations are uniting; Food as a part of religious identity
Food is also part of religious traditions. Fasting
they establish dialogue as well as rituals like Lent or Ramadan usually end with
bringing us together as a global society, a feast to celebrate their successful enactment.
People are notoriously open-hearted at such
increasing the chance of peace between times and many non-believers have enjoyed
cultures. Food diplomacy therefore being invited to ‘end of fast’ celebrations. So,
creates cross-cultural understanding in if we can use the power of food to motivate
people to find common ground, it is worth
the hope of improving interaction and bringing people to the table. “So long as you
cooperation.“ have food in your mouth, you have solved all
questions for the time being.” (Franz Kafka)
The power of food diplomacy and
In our world, the world of state visits and
protocol, food diplomacy is particularly
important. Former French prime minister
to befriend potential enemies - by sharing a (2002-2005), Jean-Pierre Raffarin, described
meal together, people become more open to the importance of values, etiquette and
each other, which can start a diplomatic bond. respect for protocols, and saw hospitality and
State banquets have been part of the imperial gastronomy as fundamentals in the world of
traditions of many cultures, because food diplomacy
is a simple, tangible way to access a culture. used food to make political, economic and social ambassador might attend. Such meals may be
By sharing a meal together, individuals from The link between diplomacy and statements. They have opened restaurants as art protocol, but they become much more than
different backgrounds can build mutual gastronomy projects, conducted performances in which food that – they are shared experiences that help
understanding and forge lasting peace. Gastronomy gives diplomacy an advantage. is prepared and served in galleries, and crafted diplomacy. We would like to collect stories
Former French premier, Laurent Fabius, had elaborate sculptures from edible materials like and methods about how success in dialogue
Food as “The Oldest Diplomatic Tool” once organized – on the same night – some chocolate and cheese. can be achieved at the dining table in different
Food is more than just a dish, it can open 150 dinners in French embassies around the situations and countries. We can then
doors between individuals and between world, with more than 1,300 chefs preparing “League” of cuisines prepare a comprehensive collection of the
countries. We can all be culinary diplomats. the food. The guests included public figures Every culture has its own cuisine, and every most diplomatically convincing or powerful
The best way is simple: eat meals with people, and political leaders. Gastronomy, he argued, cuisine has its own secret history. The palette situations, menus or recipés.
showing an interest in the food. Or when you has served as a means of building relationships of multicultural cuisines can be seen during
are visiting, try to eat an authentic meal of the in a world in which networks are vital. events, and one of those is our annual Bazaar What are the essential ingredients for a
place, and maybe to ask about history and - regretfully, interrupted due to the pandemic, diplomatic meal which bridges divides and
cooking styles. Such conversations are uniting; Diplomacy is all about influence. The great but hopefully to be held in autumn 2021. fosters peace? How have ambassadors used
they establish dialogue as well as bringing French diplomat, Talleyrand (Charles Maurice This event is prepared by the Permanent food to establish dialogue and to win hearts
us together as a global society, increasing de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754 - 1838) used Missions of Member States showing their best and minds? Share your ideas and experiences
the chance of peace between cultures. Food to organize extravagant banquets in Vienna national culinary delights, and should rightly with us, to give insight into the best methods
diplomacy therefore creates cross-cultural to exert influence through gastronomy and be called “League of Cuisines” or “United to use food to heal rifts and build peace.
understanding in the hope of improving hospitality. Notably, it got him a place at the Cuisines”. It delights participants by exploring
interaction and cooperation. That is an Congress of Vienna, despite being on the a smorgasbord of different cultural cuisines
academic way of saying food can be used to losing side. “Political leaders must be proud of and is an unforgettable experience. Even
get along with people and to get to know them their heritage and this heritage must be shared though the high number of guests can limit
better. Former US Secretary of State Hillary with the rest of the world.” (Raffarin). dialogue, it creates a shared experience people
Clinton called food “the oldest diplomatic can hearken back to.
tool” in fostering relationships. Food is a Food as a nation part of culture and arts
powerful tool for breaking down barriers in Food is also part of a nation’s culture by being part Unifying menus and recipes to foster
diplomatic situations - sometimes a dinner of its art. People who Tweet or Instagram their dialogue Our readers are welcome to send their ideas and/or
table can achieve more than a negotiation food are part of a long tradition that goes back to Our project is about dialogue, so we are recipes to
table. still life paintings, and contemporary artists have concentrating on state meals of the kind an
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h