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International                                                                                                           International

                                                                      of the World Health Organization, and many                      “reset”  summit  of  Serguei  Lavrov-Hillary   “Switzerland, carefully preserving its 
                                                                      others.  It  were  they  who  also  made  Geneva                Clinton. Finally, in June 2021, Geneva hosted
                                                                      International and strengthened it.                              the  Biden-Putin  summit.  Geneva  is  also  a   neutrality, created this possibility, maybe 
                                                                                                                                      venue for highly sensitive political talks – the  today the only possibility in the world.”
                                                                      Geneva  and  the  Permanent  Representatives                    Syria talks, Yemen talks, Libya talks, Cyprus
                                                                      – they too made Geneva International: they                      talks  and  there  might  be  need  for  other
                                                                      empowered it by their Credentials                               negotiations  in  future,  as  the  world  we  are
                                                                      There  were  many  international  personalities                 living now,, is fragile and changing. Geneva  the  city  of  Geneva).  Who  were  they?  Those
                                                                      throughout  history  of  multilateralism  who                   will  provide  the  best  and  the  most  neutral  in  a  way  are  “unsung  heroes”.  The  fact  that
                                                                      also “made Geneva” and gave it the true image                   platform  for  such  negotiations  for  peace,  or  Geneva today is called world capital of peace
                                                                      of the world capital for peace, but books are                   dialogues aimed at strengthening peace.    and diplomacy – it is also they who made and
                                                                      not  yet  written  about  them.  While  “Ceux                                                          who are making it possible (making it become
                                                                      qui  font  Genève”  combines  personalities  as                 And  who  knows,  maybe  even  one  day  the  reality).
                                                                      acknowledged  and  recognized  locally,  and                    UN  HQ  will  come  to  Geneva.  Geneva
                                                                      separate books are written about the above UN                   International,  as  strong  as  it  is  today,  can  We hope that such a historical, encyclopaedic
                        “The city also was the venue for the          personalities  individually,  there  is  no  single             make it possible. All facilities are here. And a  study  of  a  politically  neutral  nature  (book)
                                                                      comprehensive  study  about  the  Permanent                     beautiful Assembly Hall might be delighted to  would be of interest to all Permanent Missions
                        most important and highly sensitive           Missions.  And  not  only  about  outstanding                   accommodate the high gatherings, for whom  and diplomatic community, to all international
                                             political summits.”      or shining personalities, but about those who                   travelling  to  Geneva  might  be  much  more  organizations,  to  the  City  of  Geneva  and  to
                                                                      were the first here to present Credentials. By                  convenient  (after  what  we  have  been  seeing  academia (schools of diplomacy, universities).
                                                                      their  service  here  they  already  seeded  the                lately, associated with pandemic). But it can  Please  give  us  your  feedback  at  editor.
                                                                      grains,  they  already  cemented  the  stones  in               be also more convenient diplomatically, too.
                                                                      the foundation of Geneva International, and                     Switzerland, carefully preserving its neutrality,
                               UNOG here in Geneva, who was awarded by   thanks to them and their presence here today,                created this possibility, maybe today the only
                               the  City  of  Geneva  by  the  Médaille  Genève   we  read  that  Geneva  is  the  world  capital  of   possibility  in  the  world.  Incidentally,  there
                               reconnaissante for his role in communicating   peace, dialogue and diplomacy.                          was already a precedent – a General Assembly
                               the importance of the work done in Geneva.                                                             session was held in Geneva (in 1988, but that   If our project supported, we plan to start
                               By  his  innovative  undertakings  such  as  the   Geneva  as  the  world  capital  of  peace  and     one was a special session, purely for political   works  by  the  end  of  the  current  year  (to
                               Perception  Change  Project  and  throughout   dialogue - yesterday, today and in the years            reasons).  But  there  might  be  more  to  come   mark the Year of Peace and Trust, because
                               his tenue as the DG, he continued to change   to come                                                  recognizing the role of Geneva (and giving to   presenting Credentials to somebody means
                               the perception of UNOG and to successfully   The  city  also  was  the  venue  for  the  most          Geneva  even  more  stronger  “credentials”  as   also  to  express  trust,  as  well  as  to  give
                               promote  International  Geneva.  His  role   important  and  highly  sensitive  political              the world capital where peace can be achieved   trust, to entrust). The works will continue
                               was  also  recognized  by  the  Fondation  pour   summits, which made history and changed the          and/or negotiated in a dialogue between the   over 2022, and we will be contacting you
                               Genève. Of course, there were many others,   world. In 1955, Geneva hosted the “quartet”               nations).                                for  consultations  and/or  to  check  the
                               including  one  of  the  most  popular,  UN   – “The Big Four” (President Eisenhower of the                                                     information that we will collect by our own
                               Secretary-General  Kofi  Annan.  A  Nobel   US, Prime Minister Eden of the UK, Premier                 However,  such  thinking  –  of  Geneva   means. If during our research on the above
                               Prize winner, he added to the growing image   Bulganin  of  the  USSR,  and  Prime  Minister           International  as  world  capital  of  peace  and   topic,  you  would  like  to  provide  us  with
                               of  Geneva  International  and  Geneva  as  the   Faure of France). They were accompanied by           diplomacy  -  would  have  never  been  even   the  additional  information  about  your
                               capital  of  peace  by  establishing  his  Kofi    the  foreign  ministers  of  these  four  powers:   possible,  if  not  those  who  were  the  first  to   Permanent  Representatives  in  Geneva,
                               Annan  Foundation  here  in  Geneva.  It  is   Dulles, Macmillan, Molotov, and Pinay. Also             cement its role then, in 1919 for the League, and   who  in  your  view,  brought  the  highest
                               also important to mention here the heads of   in attendance was Nikita Khrushchev of the               especially, those for UNOG.  Thus, we would   contribution  to  the  image  of  Geneva
                               other UN Agencies who marked the history   Soviet Union. This summit took place at the                 like to produce a study/book about them. This   International  and  as  capital  of  Peace,
                               of Geneva International or contributed to it   Palais des Nations.                                     study/book will be a tribute to all those the   Dialogue and Diplomacy, will be welcome
                               – from Sergio Vieira de Mello, Human Rights                                                            first Ambassadors to the League and the first   to send us the biographies and the stories
                               High Commissioner, who tragically perished   Later, Geneva hosted summits of US President              Permanent  Representatives  to  the  UNOG   about the contribution to the International
                               in  a  terrorist  attack  in  Iraq,  to  the  current   Carter and Syrian President Al-Assad (1977),   (from 1919 through 1945 and util today) who   Geneva, and all those will be published as
                               Secretary-General  Antonio  Guterres,  during   and  in  1985,  Geneva  hosted  the  famous            presented their Credentials in Geneva. Some   a separate chapter to this book, indicating
                               his tenure in Geneva at the helm of the High   Reagan-Gorbachev  summit.  In  1990  there              are world-known, but some are not, but their   “as seen by the countries”. This study/book
                               Commission  on  Refugees,  or  Gro  Harlem   was  the  summit  of  George  H.W.  Bush  and             contribution is not less significant. They were   could be our modest collective contribution
                               Brundtland,  one  of  the  most  significant  as   Haffez Al-Assad, and in 1994 and in 2000, two       the first who – by presenting their Credentials   to  the  UNOG  for  the  upcoming  80
                               UN Envoy for climate change and sustainable   summits of President Clinton and President               in Geneva - cemented the edifice of Geneva   anniversary of the Organization.
                               development and the former Director-General   Al-Assad.  In 2009 Geneva hosted the famous              International  (i.e.  they  gave  Credentials  to

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