Page 146 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 146
International International
Geneva as the world capital of peace and dialogue - Geneva – as a home of peacemakers – “Blessed
are the Peacemakers”
yesterday, today and in the years to come Many figures have been dreaming of peace
and making peace in Geneva. Among those
we should mention Count Jean-Jacques de
Credentials for Geneva Sellon, the pioneer of international peace
actions (even if utopian). However, it was he
Recognizing the important role of the Permanent Missions in Geneva who convened the first Congress of Peace
Society 190 years ago. He planted the shy
grains of peace not only to Geneva, but on
by Evelina Rioukhina the exact premises where majestic Palais
edited by David Winch des Nations with its dependences are located
today. He erected the first peace monuments
there – the black marble obelisk at the Villa
A letter of credence (French: Lettre de créance) Today even more than Geneva International, La Fenêtre (today this monument is re-located
is a formal document that appoints a diplomat you can read, see and hear that more and more to the Cemetière des Rois in Plainpalais) and
as ambassador to another sovereign state. often Geneva is called the capital of world the Temple of Peace and Friendship (dated
Commonly known as diplomatic credentials, diplomacy and peace and a place that makes 1820 , as marked in the City of Geneva Peace
the letter is addressed from one head of state to the dialogue possible. And all this is thanks to Itinerary, in some sources 1830), today
another, asking them to give credence (French: Credentials presented to it. destroyed and never rebuilt . And it is he
créance) to whatever the ambassador may say who also erected the Peace Column with Woodrow Wilson, the League of Nations was
on their country’s behalf. The letter is presented “International Geneva”, as it has come to be the inscription “Blessed are the Peacemakers” created in February 1919.
personally by the ambassador to the receiving called, has its own history, forged by chance (the column was supposedly hidden in the
head of state in a formal ceremony, marking the events but also by outstanding personalities, Chateau d’Allaman on the eve of the WWII Geneva as the home of the institution
beginning of the ambassadorship. In our concrete both local and foreign. It is also shaped by and was discovered only recently, during the dedicated to peace
case, this is the credentials that are presented the memories and by traces of the past that restoration works there). The Column, the The League of Nations was born of a desire
by the Ambassador/Permanent Representative continually recreate a community’s collective marble obelisks, and the Villa La Fenêtre itself never to relive the bloodbath of World War
of the country to the Director-General of the state of mind and heart. are today living proofs of almost 200 years of One. It was a major historical turning point:
United Nations Office in Geneva. However, to peace actions in Geneva. the League of Nations was the first organisation
look deeper, this letter means much more than Geneva – a city that builds bridges that took an institutional approach to
a request to the UNOG head to give credence to The City of Geneva has always served a Geneva as the birthplace of multilateralism international affairs. This institution dedicated
the Permanent Representative of a country; it practical purpose as a sort of connecting At the end of World War One in 1918, Europe to maintaining world peace had clearly defined
is first and foremost to signify that the country bridge. Already in pre-Roman times it was was reeling. A peace agreement had been objectives, the main ones being: to ensure
recognizes the Organization and entrusts its the site of a bridge over the Rhone at the reached but it did not look as if it would last. compliance with international law, with the help
representative to be the Permanent Representative point where the river flows out of Lac Léman The loss of human life had been huge, and the of the Permanent Court of International Justice
to the Missions to this Organization. on its way to the Mediterranean Sea. In the European economy was suffering. Severely (PCIJ); and to resolve conflicts by arbitration.
Middle Ages Geneva was the site of bustling sanctioned, Germany was very unhappy at the US President Woodrow Wilson was the
In our context – in the context of Geneva fairs. During the subsequent Renaissance, resolutions adopted by the Treaty of Versailles, main architect behind this first project for the
(or Geneva International as it became) -- it the city took in Protestant refugees with their while France continued to be wary of its intergovernmental organization. The Covenant
has a much more important meaning. It is arts, crafts, skills, and capital, as well as their Germanic neighbour. Against this backdrop, of the League of Nations was signed on 28 June
those Credentials that customs, which would help put it on the map of it was necessary to create an organization 1919 as a part of the Treaty of Versailles, and it
made Geneva truly Europe. As generation succeeded generation, capable of keeping the peace in Europe. became effective together with the rest of the
David Winch, a 6-year UN editor at Treaty on 10 January 1920. This is the formal
several duty stations, is now the prin- international. Without the inhabitants of Geneva turned their river Under the key impetus of US President
cipal of a Canadian editorial service. the community of the crossing into an international centre, where date when the League of Nations was founded
His articles are available at http://dav- Permanent Missions, for over a century people have developed Itinerary of Peace in Geneva, “Genève un lieu following the Paris Peace Conference. Geneva, also https://david- those who expressed and negotiated projects aimed at promoting pour la paix”, site http://www.genevaforpeace. was chosen as the Headquarters of this first trust by establishing a international welfare and cooperation. com worldwide international institution for peace.
David Winch was the President of “Ex- Read our Appeal to Restore the Temple in the
Tempore” and United Nations Society permanent mission to Chance has played a part in this, as have series “Peace Monuments of Geneva: known, for-
of Writers and for over 0 years- Asso- this or that Organization political circumstances; but the Genevans gotten, at risk to be lost” by Evelina Rioukhina, Geneva as Headquarters of the League of
ciate Editor/Editorial Board member based in Geneva, too have played their part, by embracing the Ryan Kennedy, Oleksandr Svirchevsky, with ar- Nations
in the “UN Special” magazine. Geneva would not have opportunities in which they have been not chives by Jean Claude Pallas, Diva International The choice of the City of Geneva as headquarters
become what it is today. only bystanders but also actors. Diplomat no. , 0 0. of the League of Nations was not insignificant.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h