Page 148 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 148

International                                                                                                           International

               “But the spirit of peace never died and was           pointed to the clear link between Dunant’s city                  future  for the Organization where peace will
                                                                     and the seat of the great pacifist hopes of the                  be enshrined as its main ideal. This happened
                               always alive inside the Palais. 
                                                                     beginning of the twentieth century that had                      in  1945,  with  the  creation  of  the  United
                       The ideal of peace and the hope was           been embodied in the Covenant and League.                        Nations.  The  diplomatic  Missions  returned
                guarded inside the walls of the Palais, and                                                                           to  Geneva  soon  after,  and  their  Credentials
                                                                     Geneva as the guardian of peace in its Palais                    continued  to  be  presented  to  the  new
                                    it never left this building.”    des Nations                                                      Organization in Geneva – the United Nations

                                                                     A new edifice was constructed for the League                     Office in Geneva, since its establishment here
                                                                     – the Palais des Nations. It was not by chance                   in 1946.
                                                                     that is was next to the Red Cross building, and
                                                                     even more symbolic, the construction site was                    Geneva as the European Headquarters of the
                               Since  1863,  Geneva  had  been  home  to  the  on neighbouring property of Count de Sellon            United Nations
                               International  Committee  of  the  Red  Cross  (or  partially  on  his  territory  that  he  owned     As the Headquarters of the UN was established
                               (ICRC). It was nevertheless primarily thanks to  with the family Revilliod). Thus, our majestic        in one of the victorious countries, the USA,
                               the joint efforts of Federal Councillor Gustave  building – the Palais - came into being. And          it  was  decided  to  create  a  European  HQ  “Gradually, however, the importance of the 
                               Ador and the economist William E. Rappard  even the Celestial Sphere, Woodrow Wilson                   in  Geneva,  and  a  more  technical  one  (the   European Headquarters grew and turned 
                               that  the  City  of  Geneva  was  preferred  over  memorial,  was  inaugurated  in  the  park  to      Economic Commission for Europe, established
                               Brussels  or  The  Hague.  Following  a  popular  solidify the idea of Peace.                          in  1947,  was  in  the  heart  of  European  HQ   more political ...”
                               vote, Switzerland joined the new international                                                         aimed  to  restore  countries’  economies
                               organization  in  May  1920.  This  date  can  be  Unfortunately,  the  situation  in  the  world  at   destroyed by the WWII). Soon after, in 1950,
                               considered as the mark of the true beginning  that time could not prevent the outbreak of              the  High  Commission  on  Refugees  was
                               of the international role of Geneva.  the WWII. And as if by a tragic coincidence                      established  to  help  refugees  and  displaced
                                                                     or the irony of events, all symbols of peace at                  persons  in  the  post-war  world.  Gradually,   font  Genève”.   Among  the  figures  there  was
                               Why Geneva?                           the premises of the League were shaken too                       however,  the  importance  of  the  European   –for the first time in UN history – one of the
                               The first Assembly of the League of Nations  – the Celestial Sphere Woodrow Wilson Peace               Headquarters grew and turned more political   UN staff. It was the former Director-General
                               opened  in  Geneva  on  15  November  1920  monument stopped turning, and the Temple                   –  with  the  establishing  of  the  Committee   of UNOG, Vladimir Petrovsky. His role was
                               amid great popular enthusiasm. On behalf of  of Peace was struck by a thunderstorm and was             on  Disarmament  in  1979  (Conference  on   also appraised by the authorities of the Host
                               the  host  country,  the  president  of  the  Swiss  destroyed. The League ceased its operations.      Disarmament  since  1984)  with  the  UNOG   Country, who called him “L’artisan de Genève
                               Confederation,  Giuseppe  Motta,  welcomed  But  the  spirit  of  peace  never  died  and  was         Director-General as the Secretary-General of   Internationale”   -  because  it  was  he  who
                               the  ministers  and  ambassadors  representing  always  alive  inside  the  Palais.  The  ideal  of    the  Disarmament  Conference.  The  political   actually  created  Geneva  International  and
                               the 41 States present. In an inspired speech,  peace  and  the  hope  was  guarded  inside  the        weight and importance of Geneva grew over   who elaborated the whole concept of Geneva
                               he addressed the question of why Geneva had  walls  of  the  Palais,  and  it  never  left  this       the years even more, by establishing here the   International.  He  also  built  bridges  between
                               been chosen as seat of the League of Nations.  building. Even if it was not possible to prevent        Commission on Human Rights (in 1993), and   the  international  community  (UN)  and  the
                               “Through  a  piece  of  luck  that  seems  almost  WWII,  the  hope  for  peace  was  preciously       the Office on Coordination of Humanitarian   population  of  Switzerland  and  Geneva,  and
                               miraculous, given its small size and geographic  guarded in the Palais des Nations, by its last        Affairs (OCHA) two years earlier (in 1991).   made  the  UN  open  and  accessible  (by  his
                               situation  in  the  centre  of  the  turmoil,  Secretary-General Sean Lester.                          Today Geneva is the Headquarters of 26 UN   “open doors” endeavours). He established and
                               Switzerland  maintained  its  neutrality  from                                                         Organizations and Agencies, and many more   promoted  the  Dialogue  among  Civilizations
                               beginning to end. President Wilson’s thinking:  During the war, all organizations and most of          are represented here with offices.     at  UNOG  and  later  he  continued  this
                               the future must be built not on the memory of  staff were evacuated from Geneva and from                                                      undertaking  within  the  Comprehensive
                               suffering but on the hope for peace, as had  the  Palais,  but  he  stayed  here.  He  literally       Geneva  and  its  UN  personalities  who  also   Dialogue Among Civilization – CDAC (today
                               miraculously  existed  in  Switzerland  during  lived inside the Palais as a captain who never         “made” international Geneva            a collaborator with this magazine).
                               the four years of the World War. Addressing  abandons  his  ship.  And  by  staying  here,  he         The  role  of  personalities  from  Geneva  was
                               the  Council  of  the  League  of  Nations,  guarded  “the  flickering  light”   and  the  hope        highly  recognized  and  acknowledged  in  the   Among the constellation of UN personalities,
                               president Motta pleaded for Geneva: “Of all  for peace. He believed that there would be a              best-selling  book  by  renowned    writer  and   who  undoubtedly  contributed  to  the  role  of
                               Swiss cities it is Geneva, through its history                                                         Swiss  journalist  Serge  Bimpage,  “Ceux  qui   Geneva International, it is important to also
                               and through its spirit, that takes the keenest                                                                                                mention Michael Moller, the shining star of
                               interest in the concerns of international life
                               and cares most deeply for its ideas. That is                                                                                                       “Ceux qui font Genève”, Serge Bimpage, Edi-
                               why it was predestined to become the cradle of   3   “Sean Lester” Guardian of Flickering Light”, by          “He  believed  that  tomorrow  would  come”   tion Slatkine,  999.
                                                                                                                                      – on the book of Marit Fosse and the last Secre-
                                                                                                                                                                             6   Ambassador Francois Nordmann, the former
                                                                     Marit Fosse, Editor-in-Chief of Diva International
                               the Red Cross. The Secretariat of the League of   Diplomat on the last days of the last Secretary-     tary-General of the League of Nations, by Evelina   Permanent Representative of Switrzerland in Ge-
                               Nations will be at home in Geneva, and public   General of the League of Nations. Edition Hamil-       Rioukhina,  Diva  International  Diplomat,  no.  3,   neva, article “Disparition d’un grand artisan de la
                               opinion will support its work.” Giuseppe Motta   ton books,  0 6.                                       0 8.                                  Genève internationale”, Le Temps,  0.03. 0

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